We only have one life to live here on planet earth.
With that one life, we have the ability to make a difference in the lives of others. We also have the ability to live a life that does nothing but glorify ourselves.
One shot is all we’ve got.
I’m certainly not suggesting we have to live perfectly… let’s remove THAT kind of pressure. Rather, I am suggesting we need to live our lives deliberately.
In other words… we need to make our life count. So, how do we do that?
- We ask God to help us love those people who are hard to love.
- We forgive others like we have been forgiven.
- We share our time, minds, and experiences.
- We open our wallets knowing we can’t out-give God.
- We genuinely model a joyous, Christ-filled life to our children.
- We seek Him with all our hearts, souls, minds and bodies… daily.
- We refuse to compromise on our values.
- We step into what God is calling us to do rather than sit idle.
- We point others towards God at every turn.
You walk the walk… and talk the talk. This is your chance to make a difference.
This is important to know. God put you on earth for this specific time. His Kingdom calendar called for you to be born exactly when you were, because He needed you to be alive and active now.
Your entrance into life was not a random act.
God knew you had what the world needed at this moment. He equipped you to do His work at this specific time. He allowed your life experiences, family dynamics and unique personality to collide to make you the amazing person you are.
And now it’s your turn.
Here is your one shot to live the kind of life God designed you to live. Friends, He is hoping you choose to confidently embrace your calling and purpose. God wants your perspective to become Kingdom focused, keeping your eyes on Him.
This is your chance! What will you do?
- You can fully (although not perfectly) grasp all He has for you.
- You can be wishy-washy about it… neither completely in or out… which renders you untrustworthy and unreliable.
- You can walk away.
Friends… we all get once life to make a difference.
Will you?
©2010 careyscotttalks.com
Wow! I hope I do! Sure is hard at times to know if a difference is being made by my choice to do things differently. I DO know that no matter what…He will not forsake me! And His prints are on everything!
WOW! R pastor taught on this yesterday!