Matthew 5:14 says, “You are the light of the world.”
It does not say, “Please consider being the light of the world” or “You might be the light of the world… if.” It simply tells us that “we are the light of the world.”
And you know what… we need to start acting that way. How do we do that? By genuinely caring for others.
You see, God wants us to SHINE! He wants us to be so bright that others can’t help but see Him because of it. Maybe you need to be a light to a…
- family member who is making bad choices with drugs or alcohol
- bank teller who never smiles and seems to have no joy in her life
- widowed neighbor who is alone and needs a friend
- friend so far in the pit of sin that they can’t seem to find the way out
As Christ-followers, we are called to be different (not better than)… We’re called to be strong for the weak… to love the unlovable… to forgive the unforgivable… to help those who can’t help themselves.
What kind of light are you?
1) Maybe you’re a Motion Detector light?
You stay dark until someone important or Godly walks by you, and then you pop on… come alive. You may be dark for days, hours, weeks… but when you need to “impress”… you are all of a sudden a Jesus freak.
2) Could you be a Night Light?
You certainly shed light in the darkness, but you don’t really define things much. In all honesty, you offer little light at all. You tend to shy away from really sharing your faith, God or your testimony? You figure it’s just easier to blend in. You might offer a little light here and there, but nothing too bright.
3) Are you a Florescent Light?
Are you too harsh in your faith? Do you overwhelm others because you are too in-your-face? Do people just want to turn you to the “off” position?
4) Could you possibly be a Spot Light?
Are you judgmental? Are you quick to illuminate “issues” in others? Do you tend to not see the whole picture… the whole person? You just focus on those things they need to fix?
5) Maybe you’re a Seasonal Light?
Could it be that no one would even know you’re a Christ follower until the holidays? At that point, you’re on fire for Jesus. But once the season has passed, you’re unplugged until next year.
God wants us to be Warm, Soft Lights. They are not too bright or too dark. They are consistent. They bring a sense of comfort… an easiness. They are gentle, inviting, calming, accepting… (and as a bonus, they reduce the ability to see the fine lines on my face).
Remember… YOU are the light of the world.
Which light will you be? Now, SHINE!
What a great was to assess where we’re at. Love it! Publish?
Hey ‘roomie’; loved ya then; love ya now. Enjoyed your post on “what kind of light are you?” I love seeing God working in your life…..but then again, isn’t He always?
Take care…..Becky Marquart
Bec! Thanks for comment! So glad to know you’re reading!!! Love you – c