Before Wayne and I go on vacation, we spend a lot of time pouring over hundreds of professional and peer reviews about the locations we hope to visit.
Since we can’t “try before we buy“… reading these reviews gives us comfort to know what worked and what didn’t. Best restaurants. Best hotels. Where to look for deals. Best time of year to visit. Things like that.
It builds our confidence in visiting the proposed destination, helping us take that next step of booking the trip.
You know what? The same can be true with regard to trusting God.
Sometimes we need to read the reviews of others who have successfully followed in faith. Their success spurs us on in our own Christian walk.
Hebrews 11 offers that.
This chapter gives us the confidence we need to step out and take action because it’s filled with a list of people who had faith strong enough to do just that. Their steadfast belief encourages Christ-followers to hold on and not lose hope in the face of difficult situations.
I want that. I need that. Sisters, I would imagine you do, too.
This stretch of scripture is referred to as… The Hall of Faith.
- By faith, Enoch was taken from this life and didn’t experience death.
- By faith, Noah built an ark to save his family when God warned him of things unseen.
- By faith, Abraham followed God’s calling to receive his inheritance although he didn’t know where he was going.
- By faith, Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born because they knew he was not ordinary.
- By faith, the walls of Jericho fell after the people marched around them for seven days.
And the list goes on.
What an encouragement to push through my doubt and fear! And reading their testimony helps to build my confidence that if I step out in faith… He will help me, too.
All I have to do is have the faith to do what God asks me to do.
By definition, faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. It’s not a longing or a hope that something good might happen. Rather, it’s a firm certainty in the future.
Hey, if those listed above can have faith… so can I.
So can you.
Take a minute to open your Bible and read Hebrews 11. Pretty cool, eh?
Did you happen to notice that because they had faith, they took action?
- By faith, Rahab welcomed the spies and her life was spared.
- By faith, the Israelites passed through the Red Sea.
- By faith, when Moses grew up he chose to join his people and become a slave to Pharaoh.
Friends… I want to be known for my faith. Do you?
I want my walk with the Lord to encourage others.
I want to be remembered for having faith in action rather than just words and advice.
I want to give others hope because of the obstacles I’ve overcome.
What about you?
Listen up. We’ve been given an opportunity to play an important role in the Kingdom. Let’s purpose to be faithful in our walk so those who come after us will be encouraged to do the same.
Because of your example, someone might take that next step towards their calling.
What a humbling prospect.
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Let me learn to rejoice and praise even when I don’t understand – true faith for me right now!!! Thanks for bringing my mind in alignment with the Word this morning.
Jeanelle… “even when” we don’t understand. Yes, hard but TRUE!
Carey!! Good news, sister!!! I DO know you through your faith!! You are in my list of hall of fame-ers!!! Thank you for being a firsthand, up-close-and-personal example for me!!! Your life reflects your deep faith!! THANK YOU for living sooo out loud!!!
Laura, what a gracious comment! I love that God gives me friends that pursue God and strive to be better. Your life blesses me, too!!! Love you, sweet friend!
FABULOUS analogy!
Thanks, sweet cheeks. Love you, Het! Have a great vacation!
“It’s not a longing or a hope that something good might happen. Rather, it’s a firm certainty in the future.” LOVE! So many times we talk about having faith without living it out in our daily lives. This post encourages me to trust the certainty of God’s grace, timing, and love!
Brittany, thanks for stopping by, sister. I’m so facing that path of… do I trust the certainty of God’s grace, time and love? Or do I walk in my flesh and freak out. TOUGH road, but God never promised the faith path would be easy, did He? I stand KNOWING He will show up.