God’s been doing some work in me. Woah Doggie.
He’s recently revealed a dangerous mindset of “I can do it on my own.” I’m seeing places in my life where I just put my nose to the grindstone and plow through.
- I don’t ask for help.
- I don’t get opinions.
- I don’t consult advisers.
Not smart, because I could be missing what God wants for me.
So, I’ve been working hard to change that destructive pattern. I’m reaching out more. Connecting. And I’m being more intentional in seeking God’s will for my life and ministry.
I’m trying to be quicker to say, “Let me ask the Chief,” before I commit. When I’m presented with opportunities, even when they are Kingdom-focused, I’m going to get an “okay” from Him before I move forward.
Truth is, I’ve struggled in the past with involving God in those decisions that are direction-changing and life-altering.
- Because I am capable and willing.
- I’m able to handle a lot of moving parts at one time.
- I have the ability to weigh options and decide quickly.
That’s dangerous thinking.
While God gave me the gift of organization and the ability to multi-task, it wasn’t His design for me to do life apart from Him.
God wants me to include Him.
He desires a partnership.
My Creator wants me to ask His opinion.
James 1:5a says “If any of you needs wisdom to know what you should do, you should ask God, and he will give it to you.”
Did you catch that? We need to ask Him for guidance.
And God promises that when we do… when we ask His thoughts… when we seek His direction… He will reveal to us His plans and His desires for our lives.
I’ve actually seen this play out in my life many times.
I’ve been a privileged eye-witness to this truth.
You, too?
As a matter of fact, I was recently asked to be on the leadership team at Moms Together – a facebook community of moms walking through motherhood together. (Are you a part of it yet?)
What an unexpected blessing and affirmation that they would want… me. I wanted to jump right in and say, “Yes, yes, yes!”
But I knew better.
So I asked God, “Whatcha think?” I wanted to hear Him. I wasn’t going to decide this alone. And in His graciousness, He gave me the go-ahead through a sweet scripture in Psalms 145.
You see, God confirmed that for this season… Moms Together was His heart for me.
And having His approval builds my confidence that the Lord will give me what I need for this new adventure.
Sisters, let’s resolve that from this point forward…
- when an opportunity presents itself…
- when a decision needs to be made…
- when we face a dilemma…
… we will take that necessary step to ask God what He thinks about it – first.
It’s makes all the difference.
p.s. If you haven’t yet, click here to “like” the Moms Together community on facebook. My host day is Wednesday, but every day offers great wisdom, insight and encouragement. Hope to see you there!
©2011 careyscotttalks.com
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Congratulations Carey! What a great new ministry to venture into. Enjoy your calling 🙂
Thanks, Cheryl… God is so gracious in keeping His promises!
Congratulations Carey!!! So excited for you and beyond proud of you and the things God is doing through you. Ministry but most importantly your healing. Thank you for today. For reinforcing that even the small decisions in my life need to be counseled with the counselor. To fully submit every decision to the Lord will only draw us into a deeper relationship with Him. That is all that I want!!!!
Jeanelle, thanks for “seeing” me. It’s all about the healing because that’s the foundation of your calling. Thanks, girl!
Love this!! I JUST blogged about asking God before embracing new opportunities. I am so guilty of jumping headfirst into things (especially things that are ‘good’) without consulting my Father. Unfortunately, this usually leaves me with too much on my plate & very little REAL investment in the lives of those I serve. When I ask God first, however, He is faithful to expand my time, energy, and patience. Pausing to ask “watcha think?” makes all the difference! 🙂 You put it so well!
Ah, Brittany. A fellow jump-before-asking sister. Nice to know I’m not the only one. I agree that when we don’t consult first, we find our plates full and our schedules exhausting. Thanks for sharing!
Ginger… thank you, sister! I, too, am super excited to see God opening those floodgates. Love you back.
Sounds like someone else I know…me. Trying to be independent and self-sufficient has caused me to miss too much. Baby stepping in His direction now.
Love you!! MeeMaw 🙂
MeeMaw… I greatly appreciate your baby steps. I see you, sweet sister.
Great post! This is an area that I also struggle in – unfortunately! Thanks for the reminder.
Congratulations on the new ministry, too. Is Moms Together primarily for mothers of younger children though? My “baby” is 25 (26 in December) so I wasn’t sure if I should check it out or not.