Because God created me with a warrior’s heart and mentality, I am so ready for battle I can taste it.
I don’t say that pridefully. I say it honestly.
Because of the strength, insight, wisdom and power I receive through Jesus Christ as my Savior, I do not fear the Enemy. As a matter of fact, it gives me great pleasure to expose him and his tactics.
My hope is that when I wake up in the morning and my feet hit the floor, he shudders and says, “Dang, she’s awake!”
He can knock me down, but I get back up. He can mess with my plans, but I regroup. He can challenge my faith, but I remain steadfast.
I’ve decided that when he brings it… I’m bringing it, too.
When he works over time to mess with my life, I want to make it as difficult as possible for him to find any enjoyment or victory.
- I want to praise God louder and more radical
- I want to expose the Enemy’s hidden tactics and lies
- I want to face the hardships with grace and forgiveness
- I want to see the cup as half full rather than the other way around
- I want to trust God completely and fully
And when I maintain an eternal perspective even when life throws a curve ball, it foils the Enemy’s plans. He loses.
You see… as Christ-followers, we are a force to be reckoned with.
Yes, I mean you, too.
But I wonder: Are you living your life that way?
Rather than allowing disappointment, anger, sadness, bitterness or hatred to overshadow your situation, do you see it for what it really is? While you might be overwhelmed and fearful at times, do you eventually find God in the details?
There is no doubt that we are the strongest when we keep our eyes fixed on Him. It looks like this…
- When your marriage seems hopeless, you trust God for restoration.
- When you can’t pay your bills, you trust God for provision.
- When your hopes and dreams seem unattainable, you trust God for direction.
Sisters, we can trust that since God calls us to fight the good fight, He will make sure we are able to withstand the battle and rise victorious.
Our job is to press into Him when we begin to feel weary, losing our hope and focus. You see, God promises to always be with us… and because of that, we can stand against the Enemy.
“In every way we’re troubled, but we aren’t crushed by our troubles. We’re frustrated, but we don’t give up. We’re persecuted, but we’re not abandoned. We’re captured, but we’re not killed.” (2 Corinthians 4:8-9)
In a nutshell: We may be at the end of our rope, but not the end of our hope.
Listen, as long as we are breathing air on planet earth, Satan is going to “bring it.” He knows his time is limited and so his plan is to turn up the heat as often as possible, hoping that we’ll let our circumstances overtake us… and we’ll just give up.
Not a chance.
I… so… love… the… battlefield.
Let’s resolve that when the Enemy brings it, we bring it, too.
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You always were a ferocious competitor!!! The devil better watch out.
Coach… funny to look back and see how God wired and trained me for the fight all along. Thanks for helping to foster that!
Oh, Carey! I soooooo very much needed this reminder and encouragement today! Thank you, dear one!
Het, thanks for letting me know you needed a kick in the pants. 🙂 I’ll pray that you stare him down!
I love that, “I’m bringing it too” – that is a great reminder! I definitely want to have that attitude and I am working on that becoming my first response instead of fear or worry coming first and “bringing it” as the end. Thank you for the encouragement and wisdom today!
Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God
Mel, thanks for your comments! I’ll be honest, it’s not always my first response either. Sometimes, he can really hit me hard! But I sure want it to be my default button…
Amen! I feel like I’ve just been to Christian boot camp!!! Love this post! Take care and be blessed 🙂
Debbie (from LeadHer Blog Post Wall on FB)
Hi Debbie! Christian boot camp, eh? Love it! Sometimes we need the Divine Drill Instructor to whip us into shape. 🙂 Thank you for taking the time to read and respond!
Were you with me this morning, Carey?! Thanks for the encouragement in reminding me that our hope doesn’t end with the rope – cause the rope sure did just about run out!!
Love and blessings!
Ann-Marie…. I SO get the end of rope issue! Don’t you know these blog posts are therapy for myself! Encouraging others is just a bonus! ;). Great to hear from you!!
If you want to be a giant killer – hang out with giant killers. It is an honor to be able to “hang out” with you. I long to have this type of fight in me!!! Thank you for encouraging the troops!
Jeanelle, sweet girl… Do not fool yourself. You are a giant killer if I’ve ever seen one! 🙂