Rejection is insidious because it chips away at your self-esteem – little by little – until you begin to doubt your value.
When someone rejects you, what you hear is…
- I’m not worth their time.
- They don’t want my friendship anymore.
- There’s something wrong with me.
- I don’t measure up.
- I’m not… good enough.
Your mind takes you down paths that shouldn’t be traveled. You begin to question what kind of person you are. Those hurtful encounters play over and over in your mind as you try to make sense of them.
You are left feeling discarded… thrown-out… and unwanted.
Rejection leaves you in such a vulnerable state and it makes you doubt your value as a person.
… Just as the Enemy intended.
He knows where it hurts the most, and has developed well-timed assaults on our self-esteem.
From those girls who didn’t invite you to the sleepover…
to the cheer-leading squad you didn’t make…
to the college that rejected your application…
to the boyfriend who dumped you for another…
to the group of friends that moved on without you…
to the child who turned his back in defiance…
to the husband that walked out the door for another woman…
… there have been strategic assignments to destroy your sense of value.
The moment you arrived on planet earth, the Enemy has been busy trying to discourage you.
And for the most part, we have not only allowed those messages to land… but we have adopted them as truth.
We’ve started believing we aren’t important enough for others to take notice. We think there is something wrong with us. We feel we’re not good enough.
But when we allow those life-draining truths to become our reality – when we believe them – we’re actually rejecting God.
We are rejecting who He says we are…
who He created us to be…
and the work Jesus did on the cross.
Don’t you realize that you didn’t just happen? God took a great deal of time coming up with… YOU.
- He chose the exact date of your birth and into which family you’d be born.
- God determined the exact color of your skin, hair and eyes.
- He decided how tall you would be and what talents you’d have.
- God knew what life experiences you’d need to prepare for your calling.
- He planned the entrance of your friends and mentors to help you walk through hard times.
- God crafted your areas of strength and the areas you’d find to be a challenge.
… And when He finished with YOU, He smiled.
He was pleased with His creation, and has watched in excitement and anticipation as you’ve grown to who you are today.
Girl, He totally digs you.
God took the time to plan and create YOU. And because of that… you are fully accepted by Him.
Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
you formed me in my mother’s womb.
I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking!
Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
I worship in adoration—what a creation!
You know me inside and out,
you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;
all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared
before I’d even lived one day.
(Psalm 139:13-16)
God created you. He knows everything about you. And He loves it all.
So sisters… when the world rejects you…
when others tell you you’re not good enough…
when you feel left out…
when it seems no one cares…
when friends move on without you…
… remember that God never will.
Like never.
In His eyes, you are significant to the Kingdom, secure in His family, and …. fully accepted – stumbles, fumbles and all.
REALITY CHECK: Others will reject you… but God promises He never will.
©2013 Carey Scott
Check out my “Who God is to Me” – alphabet of God printable! Free thru February!
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Rejection has so many layers! Thank you for talking about it and it amazes me how when we accept even one tiny sliver of it’s message it can spiral us into a worthlessness state! Knowing our identity in Christ, how He sees us, is essential for standing against the lies of rejection. Claiming today I am FULLY accepted by Christ!
Yes! Yes! Yes. I so needed this today. Thank you girl.
WOW, did this speak to me today. Thanks!