God is our place of safety. He gives us strength. He is always there to help us in times of trouble. (Psalm 46:1)
A friend was telling me the other day about how BIG her life seemed right now.
Oh I get that.
Girls, life isn’t easy. We all go through really tough seasons where we just want to curl up in bed and watch Fried Green Tomatoes. Or Steel Magnolias. Or The Notebook. Or The Help. (we’ve plenty to choose from, yes?)
We break out the cookie dough.
That little patch of skin under our nose gets chapped from wiping with tissues.
… Anyone?
I wonder if your life is BIG right now, too.
Are you feeling under attack… either spiritually or emotionally… and are weary from the fight? Maybe you’ve been in battle for a while now and you’re just ready to be done with it.
You’re exhausted.
You feel hopeless.
You want to wave that little white flag.
God gave me a powerful visual as I walked up to the front to speak at a woman’s retreat a few years ago.
To be honest, I was tired from some struggles and challenges in my own life.
I was facing issues that required a lot of… me.
My spirit was weary.
But God.
He knew exactly what I needed in that moment.
Sitting on the podium was a cross. And I heard God whisper… “Carey, when you’re beaten down by life’s struggles, check your position. The safest place to be is standing behind the power of the cross. Where are you?”
THAT was a great question.
The truth is that sometimes I’m so ready for the battle that I charge ahead, taking all those arrows from the Enemy right in the chest. Rather than stand behind Jesus when times get tough, I deal with life by stepping out from His covering.
… I decide to do it my way.
No wonder I find myself weary and teary at times.
When we’re feeling overwhelmed, it can be an indication that we’re not standing behind Jesus. Chances are, we’ve stepped out from His protection and are battling alone.
Not. Smart.
The Bible tells us that Christ gives us the strength to do all things. But so often we want the answers without including Him in the process.
We think we can do it better. Our plans seem like good ones. We feel energized to kick some booty.
So we muster up our best ideas and solutions… lace up our shoes… grab our water bottles… and take a step down our own path.
And the Enemy’s arrow hits us.
He’s been waiting patiently.
The moment we step out from His divine protection (do it our way) the Enemy’s arrows pierce us… wounding us deeply. They inflict serious damage to our motivation… our self-esteem… our ability to trust… and our perspective.
And unless we allow God to remove those arrows quickly, the infections of anger, and bitterness, and unforgiveness, and fear will fester.
Those have the power to destroy our joy and hope.
Are you standing behind the cross… or have you ventured out on your own? Ask yourself these questions:
- Do I let my identity be defined by what others think of me?
- Am I always defending myself?
- Am I easily offended?
- Do I feel overwhelmed and hopeless most of the time?
- Do I think God is tired of hearing my problems?
If you answered yes to any of these, you might want to check your position.
Sweet sisters, profound work was done on that cross for you and me. And because of it, we’re covered by His blood. Protected by His name. He is our strong tower. Our shield.
Our Deliverer.
But we have to stand behind Him.
So… when you find yourself worn down and beat up, check your position to the cross.
Are you behind it, letting Christ extinguish the Enemy’s flaming arrows?
Or are you out from its protection, allowing those arrows an easy target?
The Enemy’s weapon is always aimed in your exact direction, but you get to decide who his arrows hit.
Friends… where are you?
Check. Your. Position.
©2013 Carey Scott
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Perfect word for today – check your position!!
Great word!!! Thanks!
Thank you for stopping by, Manda!