Sometimes I long for more than God’s approval. Oh… you struggle, too? Well at least I’m not alone.
Just the other day, a friend and I were discussing why this is such a difficult issue for so many of us.
We love Him passionately. We seek Him daily. We crave more of Him. So, why do we still look to the world for fulfillment?
To be honest, I know what it’s like to bask in His approval. I’d even go as far as to say that most of the time, His approval in my life IS enough. The majority of the time, I’m not as concerned about what the world thinks because I am more in awe of what He thinks of me.
But this is new territory for me.
You see this past year, God and I have done some tough work with regard to this very topic. He’s given me people and situations solely design to “thicken” my skin. He has given me ample opportunities to learn that my sense of value needs to be rooted in Him alone. It’s been painful and freeing at the same time, and I am learning that His approval is the ONLY approval I need.
I’ve also learned that when I work for His approval alone… all of my other relationships fall into place. They are strengthened in the process.
Because of that intense work… desiring His endorsement rather than yours is becoming my new normal!
But I still struggle from time to time in one area in particular… my ministry.
Why? Because I pour so much of “me” out by sharing my life and my struggles and my failures with others. Most of you, I don’t even know. In obedience, I throw it out there and trust me… it’s scary to do, because I never really know what others are thinking.
You guys freak me out sometimes! 🙂
So my fleshy desire is to know that what I write means something to you. That what I share impacts you. That God meets you through my daily blubbering. I want that more than you will ever know.
I want to know that you like what I do!!!
But here’s where I get all twisted up… It. Shouldn’t. Matter. To. Me. What. You. Think.
My only goal in ministry should be to do what God is calling me to do. Period. All I should focus on is being obedient to His calling on my life. He should be the only audience I am concerned with.
Oh, that it would be that way permanently!
I wonder in what part of your life you struggle the most with needing worldly approval over Godly approval? Where do you crave to hear others thoughts and opinions? (I’d really like to know)
Here is the key for me: When I spend time with Him daily, my eyes stay focused on Him and not on me.
- I am in His Word
- I am in constant communication with Him
- I submit to His calling on my day
- I confess my sinful thoughts and acts
- I surround myself with Godly friendships and support
- I listen to praise music, absorbing those life-giving messages
But when my day is all about me and what I want… my heart follows.
Listen friends! God’s approval IS enough. Look nowhere else…
Thank you sweet sister, as always for sharing what He is doing in you and through you. Your gift of transparency stretches me and encourages me every time, and often makes me uncomfortable-it should!! I struggle with fear of (wo)man. I worry way too much what you think of me, I am not godly enough, spiritually enough, well read enough, but I do think I am funny! And that too will make worry. 🙂 I have given this fear up and laid it at the cross, many a times. I am a work in progress, and He has been faithful to give me lots of opportunities to grow. Thank you for sharing your struggles. Be encouraged today that what you do does matter and is doing kingdom work, and do not let the enemy rob you, discourage you, lie to you and tell you anything else.
Which area do I want the world’s approval!? I just wanna be super woman and for everyone to know it and to blubber over themselves to let me know it! Ha! Even though I’m joking there is a part that’s really true!! I don’t even dare tell you what areas b/c it strips me naked!! (you are a braver girl than me!!) Looks, singing, entertaining, photography! Bleh!!! Enough? Do I have to say more!!? I know what you mean Carey, when my day is Christ centered, I really don’t care about the world’s perspective of me or anything else! And I actually do live there most of the time, but I slip into myself way more than I’d like and then I want everything the world wants!! To be smokin hot and young forever, have the smartest kids who are star athletes, the most successful husband, the best photography studio in town that’s just rakin in the money, and then I want people to tell me how I got it all goin on! Sick! When I live with that worldly desire the stress and anxiety are out the roof! So, you think the simple pavlov’s response would train me to live Christ centered 24/7 and enjoy the peace and satisfaction of pleasing him instead of chasing something that cannot be obtained and brings nothing but disappointment, loneliness, pity and anxiety! Hmmm, but it doesn’t….So, back to your question…. why isn’t God’s approval enough? I guess bc no matter how much I love God and want to follow him and put him at the center, there is still my sinful nature that wants to BE god and receive all the praise and adoration he deserves! This world tells us we can be our own god, our nature tells us the same thing. It’s a constant and deliberate battle to put God first. But thank God we can have small victories daily with his help that lead to a higher percentage of lifetime victories over losses! Keep fighting!!!!
Kim and Laura… thank you for opening up and being transparent with all of us! I appreciate your honesty. We all struggle and I appreciate you listening to that small voice prompting to open up. Love you both!
This is such a hard concept to get into our hearts, but when we do, FREEDOM!!!!!
For starters – what you are doing matters! I look forward to being encouraged first thing in the morning – to getting my mind set straight before the world has a chance to get in the way.
I won’t go into what is my struggle is – I’ll leave it at God alone is God and I am not. I need to remind myself of that fact daily and give my battle over to Him – every single day!
Keep going sister!
Carey, you are an amazing communicator and extremely gifted at being absolutely transparent. I say gifted because that is what it is – a gift to dare to put it all out there and speak the truth even when it may be uncomfortable. Very few of us, myself included, do not dare to be as clear and open as you are. I’m thankful for you and all you bring! Keep it coming! My stuggle would also be to remember I am not God and I don’t need to try to be. I don’t need to control, I don’t need to be completely independant and I don’t need to be perfect – Praise Him, He can take care of everything. My job is to give it all over, lean on Him and let Him shine through me – DAILY, at times hourly and moment by moment!