What is God asking you to do that promises to stretch and challenge you?
- Is He asking you write a book about a difficult, personal topic?
- Are you feeling led to become a missionary in a country ravaged by war?
- Does God want for you to lead a Bible study?
- Is He prompting you to step out and try a new career?
- Are you feeling that God is asking you to adopt a child from another country?
Sisters, God has a specific plan for each of our lives. It’s no fluke that you are alive during this time, living in the city you live in. It wasn’t a coin toss that landed you in your family. Your talents were well planned and intentional.
You are wonderfully and fearfully made.
And when God thought you up, He smiled knowing the potential impact your life could have on His children.
God tells us His exact vision for you in Jeremiah 29:11. “I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope.”
This is one of my favorite verses, because it tells me how much planning went into the creation of “me.” You know what? That same care went into the creation of you.
I wonder, then, what keeps you stepping into your calling?
Are you afraid that you’ve made too many bad choices in life and God can’t use you now? Do you worry that your current situation may keep you from being God’s poster child?
Really? When you think like that, you are seriously limiting God!
Look, there is nothing you can do to stop the will of God. He knows His plans for you… and His will, will be done.
So the next time you feel like God can’t use you because of your past or you present, just remember…
- Noah was a drunk
- Abraham was too old
- Isaac was a daydreamer
- Jacob was a liar
- Leah was ugly
- Joseph was abused
- Moses had a stuttering problem
- Gideon was afraid
- Sampson had long hair and was a womanizer
- Rahab was a prostitute
- Jeremiah and Timothy were too young
- David had an affair and was a murderer
- Elijah was suicidal
- Isaiah preached naked
- Jonah ran from God
- Naomi was a widow
- Job went bankrupt
- John the Baptist ate bugs
- Peter denied Christ
- The Disciples fell asleep while praying
- Martha worried about everything
- The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once
- Zaccheus was too small
- Paul was too religious
- Timothy had an ulcer
- AND Lazarus was dead
Sisters, if God can use this motley crew we’ve got nothing to worry about.
Trust that God can and will use you no matter what. When you feel Him moving you out of your comfort zone and into unfamiliar territory… follow.
He knows the plans for you, and they are plans of hope.
©2011 careyscotttalks.com
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WOW! This was excellent. Preach it girl. Definitely what I needed to hear today.
Thanks Connie! Glad to know God tapped you on the shoulder today! Bless you!
Sister – you have no idea how perfect and timely these words are 🙂 I can’t share specifics right now but maybe in a week or so!
Thanks for the word
Cheryl, I cannot wait to hear what God is up to!
Sometimes I think you have monitors in my home – good timing!
Nikki! You’re so funny. I keep thinking you’re going to find them. Then what will I blog about? 😉
Well glad to know I am in good company! That is quite a laundry list of wackadoos. Takes the pressure off. We are all in need of grace. His power is made perfect in our weakness!!! No more excuses.
Ginger… we are BOTH in good company, sister! 🙂
Wow…you rock my socks off, girlfriend! Love You! Loved this one..love them all! How’s Sam???
Thank you for asking! Sam is doing really well, but much healing needs to happen. He’s right where he needs to be, though. Love you!