I wish all I wanted was God’s approval.
But I have a confession to make. Too often, I care about what others think more.
- What a trap.
- What a lose-lose situation.
- What a set-up for failure.
The truth is, sometimes I long for more than God’s approval. Oh… you struggle, too?
Just the other day, a friend and I were discussing why this is such a difficult issue for so many of us.
We love Him passionately. We seek Him daily. We crave more of Him. So, why do we still look to the world for fulfillment?
To be honest, I know what it’s like to bask in His approval. I’m learning to look to God for my sense of value. Life has been teaching me that the world cannot be trusted.
But this is new territory.
You see this past year, God and I have done some tough work with regard to this very topic. He’s used difficult people and challenging circumstances to “thicken” my skin. Yes, I’ve had ample opportunities to learn that my sense of value needs to be rooted in Him alone.
It’s been painful and freeing at the same time, and I am learning that His approval is the ONLY approval I need… and want.
You know what else? I’ve learned that when I seek God’s affirmation rather than the world’s…
- My other relationships are strengthened.
- I’m not as much of a drama-mamma.
- I am more content with who I am and what I have.
Paul shares this concept in his letter to the Christians in Galatia who were looking to please others rather than God.
“Am I saying this now to win the approval of people or God? Am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be Christ’s servant.” (Galatians 1:10 GWT)
This isn’t a new issue. Since Eve took a bite of that apple, we’ve struggled with it.
I wonder…
- Are you exhausted from trying to please a world that is never satisfied?
- Do you have an unhealthy craving to hear the thoughts and opinions of others?
- Have you placed your sense of value in something or someone other than God?
Maybe it’s time for a change.
What if we decided to take our eyes off ourselves and instead focused on God? Rather than ask the world their opinion, what if we looked to see what God had to say about it? What if we accepted that we are different (not better) than the world and will never fit in?
Will it be God’s approval or the world’s?
You see, we get to choose.
So… choose.
©2011 careyscotttalks.com
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Ouch! This one got me…and, it needed to! It’s something I’ve struggled with off and on for years, but He’s sweetly peeling back the layers that desire anything or anyone else above Him! Amen sister!
Leah… I’m so glad you’re allowing Him to work. What freedom we have when we allow God to be our complete provider! Love you, girl…
If we look to God for our approval – how many of our problems or issues would be solved or nonexistent !!!
Jeanelle… true story!
Glad I stopped by. I’ve been working on this or I should say…God’s been working on this!
Tammy… I’m glad you stopped by, too! It’s nice to know I’m not in this alone! 🙂
Music to my ears friend! Thank you!!!