I recently listened to a sermon at my church about the need to “Man Up.” My oh my how the pastor “brought it.”
He was specifically challenging men to step out of passivity with regard to their relationships. While it was geared towards the male audience, I found it to be easily transferable to women as well.
This isn’t easy to do. We’ve become very comfortable in our Christianity… wouldn’t you agree? We don’t like to feel inconvenienced when we serve. When the church asks for money, we are offended. When a specific call to volunteer is announced, we look the other direction.
In addition, we don’t like to be asked to give too much of ourselves. We use the excuse that we are “busy.” Well, maybe we are busy. But Jesus was never too busy, was He? All He did was give, give, give.
He still does…
There were 3 points I wanted to share with you from this sermon that I thought were right on target. To (Wo)Man Up… we need to:
1) Spend time alone with God…. By doing so, He changes you. When you are intentional about getting one-on-one with God… something happens. You are changed because He rubs off on you. You learn about Him by reading the Bible because He reveals His character and nature to you through it.
His will becomes your will. His ways make sense. Maybe you find your calling… maybe He confirms it. Whatever the case may be, you are no longer okay to sit and watch life pass you by.
2) You need a mentor/ and you need to be a mentor…. Stop pretending your life isn’t messy. It is. Community, which God created us for, is messy. No way around it. When a mentor steps into the picture, they have the ability to walk you through the mess. And once you’ve seen it done a few times… you have that to offer to others.
I don’t have a mentor, but have been praying for one for months now. I mentor others, however, because I’m farther along in my walk (or my healing) than they are. That’s how it works.
Look, we’re all in this together. Let’s step out of passivity and help others in their walk!
3) Change the world right where you are… Some people become so overwhelmed thinking they are but “one” person and alone can’t solve any problems. I know that feeling! When I went to South Africa on a missions trip and saw what AIDS and poverty were doing to the people there, I became so overwhelmed. I felt paralyzed. What could I do about this issue?
But then a man on the team said these words to me that I’ll never forget. He said, “Carey, you are one link in a chain.”
He was saying that I didn’t have to offer micro-loans to everyone and develop a cure for HIV/AIDS. I just had to contribute my part for the bigger picture.
Romans 13:11-12 says… “And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.”
We need to wake up! The hour has come to (Wo)Man Up.
You are needed on the battlefield.
©2010 careyscotttalks.com
I have prayed for years for a mentor and the Lord never brought me a human mentor, but chose rather to be my personal mentor!!! But He did bring a close friend in you so that my life would be encouraged especially during tough times! 🙂
Thanks, Sherry! I feel the exact same way about you. You bless my life!