I love it when my kids do what I ask them to do.
It makes my day when I ask them to pick up their rooms or empty the dishwasher and they actually do it. My heart is really tendered, however, when they obey while in the middle of doing something else they love.
In that moment, they chose me.
I’m sure the same goes for God. His heart is filled when we follow Him rather than our flesh.
Obeying Him can be hard for me at times, though. Why? Because He never asks me to do something easy. Is your experience different?
- God asks me to love specific people I don’t want to love.
- He wants me to forgive those I’d rather verbally berate.
- God asks me to speak in front of women knowing how they’ve hurt me in the past.
- He wants me to live a transparent life even though I fear the opinion of others.
- God calls me out of my comfort zone to try new streams of ministry.
And sometimes I want to say “no.”
Sometimes I wish I could just spend my days solely being a mom and a wife. There are times I’d rather be shopping and having coffee with my friends. I’d like to live a life with less pressure to produce. It would be nice to just “be.”
But that isn’t want God wants from me.
And now that I’ve tasted life with God, I want to be right where I am. I cannot imagine a life without His leading.
Sisters, when God asks… say “yes.”
- You don’t need to think about it and get back with Him.
- He doesn’t want to hear a “maybe.“
- Don’t cover your eyes and ears in denial.
And once we say yes, then He will show us the next step.
God gave me a vision of my calling to speak years before it came to pass. With tremendous fear and unbelief that it was something I could actually do, I told Him yes.
And then I watched Him begin to prepare me for ministry.
- My heart changed.
- The fear turned into courage.
- My unbelief became faith.
- Doors opened.
- Mentors appeared.
- Skills developed.
- Opportunities knocked… and they continue to do so (Praise the Lord).
We each have a hope of our calling, sisters. The truth is, many of us may live our lives never fully embracing what God put us on earth to do.
Either we are afraid, or the cost seems too high, or we’re just too busy.
You have the privilege of serving the Creator of the world. You’ve been given a talent that the world needs at this time. The fact that you are alive now, living where you live, was intentional on God’s part.
Say… yes.
©2011 careyscotttalks.com
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Another fine post. Great thoughts here, and inspiring as well. I posted elsewhere that “God doesn’t always call the equipped, but he always equips those he calls” and I have seen this in my mentors, and in my own life. May God continue to bless you for your faithfulness in sharing HIS heart to others. Blessings!
I love this! “God doesn’t always call the equipped, but he always equips those he calls.” Thanks for sharing… and good luck tomorrow!