I spoke in Texas last weekend.
Oh my gosh, can I just say how nice and big my hair was? I don’t miss a lot of things about living in the Lone Star state, but I do miss the height and fullness of my hair.
I mean, seriously. I have GREAT hair in Texas. 🙂
My time there was so memorable. I was able to reconnect with an old friend (my old high school tennis coach, actually) who has become quite a warrior for the Kingdom. She’s overcome such adversity and is a blessing to so many people.
God’s so cool.
The retreat topic was Restoration, and it’s a series of talks I love to share. Lots of transparency, rawness, and challenges all while sharing the Bible story about the rebuilding of Jerusalem.
Powerful. Relate-able. Timely.
Retreats take a lot of emotional energy. It requires a lot of “on” time. These weekends take a tremendous amount of personal courage and Godly trust.
I love ‘em.
And what makes them so rewarding, is seeing those “ah-ha” moments. Watching God collide with a woman’s life.
It’s humbling. It’s an honor.
But you know what really makes the weekend special? The women.
These Texas chicks were amazing, lovely, fun women. I haven’t been hugged or called “baby” and “sweetheart” and “precious” so much in such a concentrated amount of time.
From coffee to crosses… bracelets to beads… I was showered with gifts of love and appreciation.
Here is where God really rocks my world.
You see, although I was there to serve and bless them… God used these sweet ladies to bless me without them even realizing it.
Believe me. When you step out in obedience to be His hands and feet to others, He will take care of you.
When you pour out, He fills you back up.
- He may bless your finances because you gave lots when you had little.
- He may have someone speak a life-giving word to you because you took the time to counsel them.
- He may fill your love bucket to overflowing because you are unselfish with your time.
- He may bless your marriage because you worked overtime to support your husband through a tough job situation.
- He may expand your ministry because you stepped out in obedience when the opportunity presented itself.
His ability and desire to bless is… limitless.
But you know what? Being so available and so willing to share money or time can sometimes be scary. It’s an act of submission, which is not something we come by easily. Anyone but me?
It can be a very vulnerable place.
Why? Because of the hold our worldly woundings have on us. They tell us to:
- only worry about ourselves
- let others figure it out on their own
- trust no one
So since we still subscribe to our woundings, we spend time and energy fortifying our defenses so we can “circle up the wagons” quickly if and when an attack comes. And when in self-protection mode, it’s almost impossible to step out and give of ourselves.
But when we do, He will bless us.
- What a great by-product.
- What an incentive to step out.
- What a loving Father.
When you empty yourself for Him, He fills you back up… to overflowing.
What a concept.
©2011 careyscotttalks.com
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I won’t bore everyone with the details (You might not be so lucky over coffee) but this message has hit home. I have know that I was self-focused during my trials but haven’t realized that now that I am able to pour out I ACTUALLY FEAR becoming too empty. Thank you for the much needed reminder that God will not just replenish but will overflow!! Love it. Thank you.
I so want to hear the details over coffee! Thanks for sharing your fear… that is real. And I love that. Thanks, sister. You make my heart smile.
Loved this…love you!
Oh thanks, Julia! I SO appreciate you taking the time to read this!
Such a timely reminder. Thank you.
Please post pictures of big hair. Grin.
Sadly Het, the hair is no longer big. Such a bummer. It however, looking mighty fine today! Love you, girl!
Ya’ll missed an amazing weekend! She was powerful and such a blessing to so many. Thanks Carey! BTW, she really did have big hair! Didn’t take long to Texanize her.
Teri, thank you for a great welcome!!! You blessed me so richly! And thanks for loving my hair!