Did I just hear you right, God? You want ME to forgive THEM?
I wonder. Can anyone else relate to that feeling? When God asks us to forgive those that hurt us – whether intentionally or not – we struggle to agree with that course of action.
It doesn’t come naturally.
Because of the sinful nature of our flesh, when we feel an offense land on our turf… the last thing we want to do is forgive. I’m sure we could list a variety of things we’d rather do, including severing an arm or waxing our husband’s backs.
The Bible, however, is very clear that the course of action we should take is to forgive. Why? Because God knows that forgiving others is in our best interest – not theirs.
When we forgive others, it protects us.
How? By keeping our relationship with God free and clear. You see, a spirit of unforgiveness builds a wall between you and God. It complicates and compromises our relationship with Him.
When we forgive others, we are supernaturally released from anger which promotes the healing we so desperately need. God knows this! Which is why He directs us to forgive… because He wants nothing to come between you and Him.
Why? Because He loves us to the moon and back x infinity and beyond.
God adores us and because of that… He wants the best for us, including avoiding the consequences that come with unforgiveness. And there are many of them:
- unrepairable relationships
- health issues
- blocked relationship with God
- bitterness and hatred
- isolation
Unforgiveness can eat us alive. I’ve seen it a hundred times… and experienced it just as much.
Our best defense is to forgive all the offenses committed by others. Yes. I said ALL.
Offenses, in God’s eyes, are not categorized by levels of intensity. They all carry the same weight. We should see it the same way. We are told to forgive the little things AND the big things.
God wants us to forgive everyone… all the time… immediately.
Have I made my point here? 🙂
Now it’s your turn. Take time today or tomorrow and google this phrase, “scriptures on forgiving others.” Spend some time reading each verse listed and journal about what you discover.
I know some of you are holding on to unforgiveness. And to be honest, I get why. BUT my hope is that you’ll realize it’s not doing anything to them. Rather… it’s hurting you.
Listen, it’s time to do something for yourself.
- grab some coffee (or another favorite beverage)
- get in your comfortable chair
- open your Bible and read those verses you found on forgiving others
- ask God to speak to you through them
- listen
- chew on it
- then… forgive
Understand that your forgiveness doesn’t justify the deed or the person. It just hits the “start” button for your own healing to begin.
Has God spoken to you through this post? Why not leave a comment or send me an email and tell me about it. When something I share clicks and God speaks to you… it so encourages me.
Remember. Forgive everyone… all the time… immediately.
©2010 careyscotttalks.com
Thank you for the wonderful confirmation of things God is speaking to my heart. It is something we all “should” know but so often forget when we feel entitled to be right. Thanks for the encouragement to unblock the walls we place with unforgiveness in our hearts.
Long story short – a few years ago my mother disowned me, this went on for about 5 years. Then I started listening to God and…He wanted me to make nice. I am so glad. I wish I could say my mother and I have a great relationship. But I can say…it was a good example for my children (later, it helped a situation between my older daughter and myself), and it took a weight of me that I hadn’t realized I had, not to mention allowing me to get rid of the anger and stop the pity party. I have a younger daughter that is struggling right now with her relationship to her brother (an drug addict) and although I have said many of things to her, I am definately passing this onto her.
Thank you Carey! For this and all the other posts. You are the best!
luv you!
The biggest blessing is what God shows you after the forgivness has truely taken place. The weight that has been lifted is undeniabley noticed by more than yourself. Speaking from my own experience…