When you’re stressed, how do you make yourself feel better?
In those times where life just seems too big, where do you go for comfort?
When you feel lost and rejected and there’s no safe place to turn, how do you cope?
Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of “Go-To’s” to choose from.
- Gossip
- Alcohol
- Drugs (yes, even prescription)
- Binging and purging
- Shopping
- Pornography
- Trashy novels
- ___________ (what would you add?)
Now I’m not saying all these “things” are bad.
We have to eat, we might require meds, we must shop for family needs, etc. But sometimes, we use these to numb-out or escape pain.
… They become our coping mechanisms.
Sisters… when we go to some “thing” instead of God… we are digging ourselves a deeper hole we alone can’t climb out of.
And the Enemy smiles.
In his cleverness, he’s made the “Go-To” choices pleasurable. They are easy to get to. We can hide them from others, if necessary. There are varieties to choose from, so we can find the ones we like best. He’s even made them look irresistible, so we believe it’s our only real option.
How often do we fall for this!
“Thank You for being a God of second chances…”
God has made it very clear in His Word that He is for us. He’s reminded us that He will meet every need! We know that His strength is available to us so we can be over-comers.
We know the truth.
We know the Truth.
We know the TRUTH!
But rather than latch on to it, we reach for that “Go-To” sin instead. And we expect it to work… this time.
Even though it didn’t really help for long last time. Or the time before. And come to think of it, it’s never really offered lasting comfort.
Immediate comfort? Sure.
Lasting comfort? No way.
It’s a quick-fix that’s short-lived.
But listen…
“God is a safe place to hide, ready to help when we need him. We stand fearless at the cliff-edge of doom, courageous in sea storm and earthquake, before the rush and roar of oceans, the tremors that shift mountains.” (Psalm 46:1-2)
Here’s what the verse tells us:
God is safe… AND… He’s ready to help.
So when we go to Him instead of a “comfort” sin… we’ll be fearless and courageous to face what life is throwing at us.
… and life has a good aim sometimes. Amen?
But here’s where the rubber meets the road.
We have to do this thang.
You and me.
We have to decide now … how we’ll handle it when.
So when our mind is telling us to find our “Go-To” sin, we must have our game-plan in place.
What will yours be?
Consider this:
1) In your “outside” voice, ask for God help.
2) Ask Him for the courage to say no to that “Go-To” sin.
3) Ask Him to show you the way out… today.
4) Begin thanking Him for what’s He’s blessed you with (family, job, talent, finances, etc)
5) Grab the Bible and read out loud your favorite verses, or a chapter from Psalms.
God hears every request (every one) and promises to help (every time).
He knew we’d struggle, so He stacked His Word full of promises that He’s ready and willing to save us. And He’s incapable of going back on His word.
Psalm 55:22… “Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders – he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out. He’ll never let good people topple into ruin.”
Psalm 37:40… “The Lord will help them and rescue them – rescue them from the wicked – and he will save them because they have taken refuge in him.”
Psalm 18:17… “God saved me from my powerful enemy, saved me from my foes, who were too much for me.”
And as if His Word isn’t enough, He sent Jesus… whose very name – in Hebrew – means…
God saves.
Listen… our “Go-To’s” can’t hold a candle to that Name and those promises.
His help is pure, real and always available…
… and all you have to do is ask for it.
REALITY CHECK: Tell your “Go-To’s” to go bye-bye. They’re a demonic set-up to destroy you.
©2013 Carey Scott
Check out my “Who God is to Me” – alphabet of God printable! Free thru February!
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Amen. Amen. And AMEN! Thank you for this sister..
Oh, Shanyn… thanks for stopping by!