Hope deferred makes the heart sick; but when dreams come true at last, there is life and joy. (Proverbs 13:12 TLB)
What is it that you’re waiting for?
Breakthrough? Healing? Provision? Forgiveness? Doors to open or close? Results? Promotion? An answer? A spouse? Pregnancy? Invitations? Opportunity? The nerve? Perspective? Wisdom? Peace? Motivation?
We’re all waiting for something.
We’re all hoping.
But at some point – after wearing our big girl pants for so long and smiling through the frustration – the waiting becomes too heavy and our resolve to keeping holding on for the thing weakens.
And our heart becomes sick with disappointment and discouragement. Our minds uneasy as we try to understand.
Bitterness awakens. Anger rises. Negativity infiltrates. Joy stolen.
So what do we do when we lose hope?
We put it somewhere safer.
In Psalm 39:7, we learn a valuable lesson. When the Psalmist reached the end of his anger and complaining, he made a powerful decision: “And so, Lord, my only hope is in you.”
Friends, that shift is a game-changer.
I’ve been holding on to a promise from the Lord for 12 years now — 12 very long years — and have yet to see this vision for my future come into full bloom. Sometimes I have to hold on to that promise with all my might because the Enemy tries to steal it.
He places doubt in my heart that I heard God right… or that I heard Him at all. He whispers, you made it all up in your own mind. And each time I feel excitement that His promise is about to come into full color but fades instead, I want to give up hope.
But I’ve gotten it all wrong.
Because hoping in that thing will always keep my heart unstable. Life ebbs and flows. Circumstances are unpredictable. Seasons change.
But God never does.
And when my hope is in Him… when my trust is in Him… when my faith is in Him… I can hope in confidence.
Because God will never let me down.
God will never let you down.
So knowing that, here is the hope you can hold on to…
… His plans for your future are so very good.
… His timing is always perfect.
… His heart is filled with limitless love for you.
Because your value to God is immeasurable.
You matter to your Creator.
And friend, He knows the desires of your heart … and wants you to trust Him with every single of one of them.
So good!!! Thank you I needed this today!