Do you bless your children?
I’m not talking about those simple words you mutter after they sneeze. I’m talking about speaking out blessings over your kids. Do you do that?
By definition, a blessing is the infusion of something with holiness, divine will, or one’s hope or approval. So when we speak out a blessing for our kids, we are speaking out our hope for their lives as well as endowing God’s love, power and grace into them.
Why is this important to say out loud to them?
- Because we love our children and want them to know we desire the best for them.
- Because words are powerful both for the one who speaks them and the one who receives them.
- Because doing so helps convince our kids that God cares and loves them, is present for them, and has a divine purpose for their lives.
- Because our words can override the voice of the accuser.
- Because God calls us to do it. (Matthew 12:36, Proverbs 18:21)
Saying a blessing… out loud… empowers our children to step into their calling. It releases a tidal wave of favor on them. This intentional act has the power to transform their lives and/or set them on the right path.
No matter how young or old your children are, bless them. Write it out. Find time each day to speak it over them. Who in their right mind wouldn’t want to hear these words spoken.
Here’s an example of a blessing you might say to your daughter (easily tweaked for your son):
Sara, I bless your life as I know you will become a wonderful woman of God. I bless your mind to remain sound and for you to have wisdom and discernment in all decisions. I bless your body to remain pure until marriage and to be healthy and strong. I bless your hands and feet to do the work that God has ordained for you to do. I bless your mouth where words of truth and encouragement will flow. I bless your heart to remain loyal to God’s will for your life. I bless your husband to be and your future children’s lives with richness and unity. I love everything about you, Sara, and I am proud to be your mother. You bless our family in so many ways.
You have been gifted with vocal cords of blessing. So, speak life and truth into your children. Heck, you can speak a blessing over your husband or wife, your parents or in-laws, your friends… or even a complete stranger.
As long as there is breath in your lungs, you are called to bless.
love this, and it resonates with something God put on my heart earlier today. love how God speaks.
Beautiful. Thank you (once again) for a timely reminder. <3