Do not say, “I’ll get even with you!” Wait for the LORD, and he will save you. (Proverbs 20:22)
Seriously? This must be a misprint.
Because if I understand it right, we are being instructed to let God handle it when we’ve been wronged. We are told to not be revengeful but rather… let Him hand out the judgements.
This may be an easy verse to recite until that moment hits, and you’re the one wronged. Then, it takes on a whole new meaning. It takes on a whole new degree of difficulty. It brings a whole new level of frustration.
I’m facing this dilemma right now. This is so fresh for me and I’m honestly a little annoyed that God pointed it out to me today.
But He needed me to hear this.
Truth be told, I needed me to hear this, too.
What God is telling me through this scripture is to…
- Trust Him to clarify the truth
- Trust Him to right the wrong
- Trust Him to deal with the guilty
And most importantly… to wait for Him to do it.
That’s where it gets really hard for me. See I am a woman of action. I am a quick decision-maker. I tend to enjoy the driver’s seat a little too much sometimes. And while it may not be a very pretty or grace-filled process, I am very capable of defending and protecting myself.
Pretty fleshy, eh?
But sisters, God must have known how hard this would be for us because He quickly follows those hard-to-accept instructions with a promise.
The promise to save us.
Where are you needing to trust God’s ability to intervene?
- Maybe your child has been given a hurtful “label” and you want their name restored.
- Maybe your reputation been tarnished with false accusations and you want that rectified.
- Maybe your husband is unwilling to admit his part in the argument and you are tired of the blame landing solely on you.
Sisters, God sees your circumstance. He sees your situation. And… He promises to handle it.
Will you let Him?
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Imagine the impact if we could first learn to not judge ourselves – to be completely reliant upon God’s judgement and the Holy Spirit to guide and convict us – how differently we would be about judging others. What would it be like to seek God’s opinion before we create our own?! Oh to have Christ’s eyes in all situations, to have His heart …… how it would change us! Thanks for this devotional today. It went in a different direction for me – can’t you tell. Thanks for letting me process it! 🙂
Jeanelle, I love how you got a different message. That tells me God really spoke into your heart today. Love you!
You really are living this out!!!God in you is bigger and I know you will make it!!!
Sherry, thank you for “seeing” me!
I appreciate the content of this blog today and many other times as well…. but I find the orange print very hard to read… maybe it’s just me – but maybe it bothers others as well… just FYI – sometimes I skip the blog because of it. sorry. I’d do better with larger font size too! we are an aging bunch – us boomers!!!
Hi Anita! Thanks for your honest comments about my blog. I’ve not heard about the orange being hard to read from anyone else. And as far as the font size, I cannot change it as it’s a template on WordPress. You can always read the blog on my Facebook page or Facebook Fan Page as well as find the link on Twitter. They might be easier to read and offer bigger fonts as they come in through different feeds. If you look at the bottom of each of my posts, you’ll see links to the three things I just mentioned. I hope that helps! And thank you for taking the time to read the words God puts on my heart! Bless you sweet boomer!