At CWAHM today, I’m talking about the importance if choosing our words wisely.
It’s no secret that words carry great power.
They carry an assignment.
They can give us an over-inflated, incorrect view of self.
Words can make us believe we are something… or nothing.
They can encourage us to work through an issue or stop us in our tracks.
They can completely destroy our self-esteem.
Our words can encourage, affirm, heal, direct, grow and challenge others by breathing life into them.
The power of the tongue is undeniable.
James 3:7-10 in the Message says, “This is scary: You can tame a tiger, but you can’t tame a tongue—it’s never been done. The tongue runs wild, a wanton killer. With our tongues we bless God our Father; with the same tongues we curse the very men and women he made in his image. Curses and blessings out of the same mouth!”
As parents, we have to be so careful with the words we use with our children and very intentional about how we use them.
Because without even being aware of it, our words can destroy the heart of our kids and send them into adulthood thinking they aren’t good enough.
Can you relate to this story?
Friends… while we cannot be perfect parents, we can be ones who purpose to speak words of life into our children.
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Hi – wonderful post! And so needed these days. I know from experience how it can take decades to work through words that were thoughtless said but whose effects last a long time.
There’s no doubt that parenting is stressful. Sometimes I wonder, especially from my vantage point as an empty nester now, if it would help to sometimes take a longer view. How will today’s words affect the child years down the road?
Thanks again!
Lisa Are Wulf