I watched a man holding a “need money for ticket to Arizona” sign walk up and down the long row of cars at a stop light the other day.
Not one person offered to help.
Even though I kept feeling that nudge to bless him with the $20 bill in my wallet, I didn’t.
At the last minute, a window rolled down and a young man handed this beggar some money. What warmed my heart was that in the line of nice, clean, expensive cars… it was the driver in the dirty, beat-up, old, ugly car that stepped up.
He was the one being generous.
And from the looks of things, he was the one with the least to give. This young man had a torn jacket sleeve, a missing hub cap, a cracked windshield, and countless dents in his green car.
But you know what? He demonstrated Matthew 5:14 for the man in need. He showed God’s love.
I didn’t.
Rather than help, I sat in judgment of the beggar. My first thought was that he’d end up buying drugs or alcohol with the money rather than purchasing that ticket to Arizona.
I justified my judgment.
You see, it wasn’t my place to monitor his use of those funds. MY job… was to be obedient when God asked me to give him money. What this man chose to do with it was between him and God.
But the young guy with the least stepped up.
He listened to God’s prompting to help.
He obeyed.
He got it.
I chose to judge… and because of that, I missed the blessing that comes from being obedient.
Sisters, judgment is a dangerous game that will come back to bite you.
When we judge others, we place ourselves in a position above them. We aren’t.
We sit in that judgment seat, acting like we have it all figured out. We don’t.
We adopt a critical spirit, justifying our words and actions. We can’t.
Here’s why…
“Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It’s easy to see a smudge on your neighbor’s face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, ‘Let me wash your face for you,’ when your own face is distorted by contempt? It’s this whole traveling road-show mentality all over again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor.” (Matthew 7:1-2 MSG)
Alrighty then.
Friends… I am so guilty of this.
- I’ve played the holier-than-thou part before.
- I’ve passed judgment on the failures of others.
- I’ve entertained a critical spirit.
- I’ve overlooked my own short-comings and focused on them in another.
- I’ve been quick to point out someone’s faults.
You, too?
What if instead of being judge and jury…
we came along side others and treated them with respect and love?
we always looked for the best in people?
we looked for opportunities to help our brothers and sisters in Christ?
we gave one another the benefit of the doubt?
I like it.
You know, that young man made my day. He showed me just how important it is to love others. He reminded me to listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting to help… not my fleshy tendency to judge.
While the rest of us sat there in our cars avoiding eye contact… he blessed the beggar.
Lesson learned.
REALITY CHECK: Be careful. You will be judged by the same standard you use to judge others.
©2012 careyscotttalks.com
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To see people how God sees them is a worthy pursuit. Thank you for this challenge to look at how I am viewing others. With heaven’s lenses or mine!
Jeanelle… Heaven’s lenses – love!
Carey, you did what many other do; the difference, you were willing to stop for a moment, and hear the breath of God speak. I used to be “one of those” that passed judgement, justifying all the why nots to give to the homeless. But God. A few years ago, God began changing my heart. Today, He has me serving in a homeless ministry called Nothing Lost Outreach. God has used this ministry to change my life; not just towards the homeless, but about what is really important in my own life. Thanks for the post today. God is so good, He loves us where we are, but loves us even more to make us more like Him.
Stacey… I love that you live your passion, girl! Thanks for speaking encouragement into my life today!
Carey – your post is a real blessing. Convicting and a bright, big mirror pointing back at my own attitudes, choices and judgmental tendencies. I love that you taught that it isn’t our place to judge or determine how someone uses what God instructs us to give. if we wash someone’s feet we are washing feet, not making sure they don’t walk in dirt or mud ever again just because we washed them. The blessing is in the washing, not in the ownership because we gave something. If more people were able to get past the ‘whats in it for me’ mind set we would find it easier to serve one another.
I sometimes help a young Mom I know. she has three little ones, very close in age, and it makes it hard for her to do her errands at times. They, like us, farm and I know how challenging that is with children. I help her because I can and because God has brought it to me. I love doing it, and I expect nothing in return. What do I get? Time to love on her kids, time to teach them and I also get to know that one mama gets some much needed time to herself. Even if it is just for a haircut and picking up parts and groceries.
Love your words my sister! Bright blessings, always and in always!
Shanyn… love your heart! What a blessing you are to this young mom. Wow. I also love this statement you made… “if we wash someone’s feet we are washing feet, not making sure they don’t walk in dirt or mud ever again just because we washed them. The blessing is in the washing.” Spot on, sister!
Thanks for giving me a moment to pause and examine my own self in the light of Matthew 7:1-2. Much needed but painful to do at times. As I seek to look more like Him…be more like Him…love more like Him…these reality checks are more and more important. Your were that VOICE of reality today my sister! Thank you!
Leah… I totally dig you, girl. I’m glad God met you in my words! Humbled!
Carey, you inspired me to write a post today. I linked back to your post here.
Bright blessings…Shanyn
Shanyn… read it… LOVED it! Thanks for sharing it with me!