“By day the LORD went ahead of them in a column of smoke to lead them on their way. By night he went ahead of them in a column of fire to give them light so that they could travel by day or by night.” (Exodus 13:21)
Although the Israelites packed up with plans to follow Moses as they began their freedom march out of Egypt, God actually led the way.
He was their GPS.
And regardless if it was day or night or what direction they were going… God determined their steps.
Oh, I love this visual because it demonstrates the perfect position that God should have in our lives – no matter the circumstance.
But so often, we leave Him in the dust as we find ourselves wandering without a map.
We take matters into our own hands.
We make decisions based on emotions and desires.
We lack wisdom and discernment in some areas.
As I look back on my life, I see countless times where I was so far ahead of God.
Sooo. Many.
You, too?
And had I stopped to locate the position of God in my situation… I’d have seen He was barely visible in my rear-view mirror.
In those times, I decided to handle things my way…
Sometimes it was a purposeful veer in a different direction out of rebellion… and other times I didn’t even realize I was the driver.
But I’ve learned that when we are intentional to let God to lead, life is just better. Now better doesn’t always mean easier. It doesn’t mean “problem-free.” It rarely means comfortable.
But it does mean He will keep us on a straight path.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
When we submit… it means we follow. And when we follow… it means we trust.
- His direction.
- His will.
- His way.
- His timing.
The backseat becomes a comfortable position, and we can rest knowing Jesus is at the wheel.
But when we choose to take the driver’s seat instead, we find ourselves without a GPS… unable to navigate the unknown terrain… in danger of making the wrong turn… and desperate for direction.
… Every stinkin’ time.
Sisters, let’s be women who allow God to lead. Let’s choose to follow Him rather than see Him over our shoulder.
Let’s get comfy in the backseat.
REALITY CHECK: What keeps you from handing over the keys?
© 2012 careyscotttalks.com
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We so need this right now. It is hard to see God where you are at, especially when you have been leaning on your own understanding.
Bless you, and please pray for us in this season of decisions and changes in directions.
Your post reminds me of a youth pastor I knew, he was so passionate and often joked he laughed that he ran through life yelling over his shoulder, “Lord lead me.”
Shanyn… I love what your youth pastor used to say! That cracked me up! And I get it…. 🙂