A year ago today lives were changed because of an unplanned event that shocked all of us. I was in my car waiting for my kids after school when I got the call.
I’ll never forget it… never.
One of my good friends, David Ward, who was a committed father, loving husband and beloved doctor, took his life leaving behind a beautiful wife and five amazing kids. Just typing these words makes my eyes water. It’s still hard to accept that he is gone and we won’t see him again this side of heaven.
David loved his family. He adored his friends and poured richly into his patients. More than that, David loved God. He just loved big. And because of his capacity to care so deeply for others, his suicide came as a complete surprise. It was totally unexpected.
It’s times like these we just have to trust that God has complete knowledge of all things… and is in control.
How are Nicole and their five children handling this? They are praising God in this storm. She’s a solid, loving, compassionate woman who fiercely adores her family with a mighty passion I’ve rarely seen… and they benefit greatly because of it.
While they’ve each had moments where the “reality” sets in a little deeper, they are learning to live life even fuller than before. There is no anger. There is no resentment.
They are living life!
Nicole fully trusts God. She loves God. And with His help, she is a rock for her family. She’s standing strong. I’m so glad she is my close friend. She’s the most amazing woman I know… and I know some pretty amazing women.
I’m thankful for her. Her life is an example to me.
- I’ve learned that no matter what life throws at you… with God you can overcome… anything.
- I have learned the importance of developing those deep family bonds that cannot be broken.
- She has shown me that extending grace is essential in living an abundant life.
- I’ve learned to take those negative, hurtful thoughts captive.
- I’ve learned to be slow to speak and quick to listen.
- She has modeled the importance of looking at the whole picture before acting or speaking.
- I’ve learned what trusting God really looks like.
- I’ve seen forgiveness on an epic scale.
- She has shown me the importance of breathing in my husband and my kids.
- I have been taught to take nothing for granted.
- She’s shown me what unwavering trust looks like.
To say that life can be hard is a gross understatement. While there are blessings and life-giving times… we can also experience spine-weakening and spirit-breaking events.
When these struggles invade our worlds, sometimes all we have is God.
- When we unexpectedly lose those we love the most… we have God.
- When the life-shortening diagnosis catches us off guard… we have God.
- When we face the realization that life will never be the same… we have God.
We have God. YOU have God.
Father, I pray a blessing over everyone who reads this post today. Lord I ask You to develop in them such a dependence on You that no matter what life presents… they will know You are with them. They will know they’re in Your loving arms and that You understand their deep hurt and pain. Develop their spiritual eyes and ears so they will be able to better understand each situation that has the ability to knock us to our knees. Remind them that You, Father, are the One that can heal and restore. I pray this in Your mighty name. Amen.
Friends… hug your family today. Hug your friends. Tell them how much you love them. If they are away, call them or send a note.
Take no relationship for granted. Take no opportunity to love others for granted. And when the waters rise or the mud deepens around you…
… remember you have God.
©2010 careyscotttalks.com
Thank you for remembering and honoring David today. The world lost a great man, Heaven gained a shining light and through it all, God remains faithful. I love you, my friend.
great post Carey. Thanks for sharing every word of this today.
Here’s a hug for my loving friend!!!
Carey – Thank you for your words and how they say exactly what i was feeling. I have been front row witness to Nicole’s life and have been blessed and learned so many things. Thank you for the hard yet encouraging words about struggles invading our lives ~~~no matter what we have God.
Wilmington NC
Cindy… we in CO are all so grateful to you and your small group and your church. Nicole and kids were well taken care of!!! Thank you for being Jesus with skin! Carey
Wow Carey – thanks (a bit behind in my reading – have been missing David & praying for Nicole & children this week)