I recently talked with a friend who is struggling in her marriage.
- There hasn’t been any infidelity.
- Her husband isn’t abusive on any level.
- They aren’t fighting or disengaged.
By her own admission, they have a good marriage and strong family.
She just wants him to be… more.
Honestly, now. Is there anyone reading this who can say they’ve never been at that point before? We all have from time to time. It’s part of the human condition.
And when our human-ness shows, we know the source.
Now, I don’t want to give the Enemy too much credit. He’s not worth our time. But I do want to expose the trouble-maker…
One of his textbook tactics is to get us to want more. Not the good kind of more… but the “you’re not enough” more.
- We want our husbands to be stronger.
- We want our kids to be higher achievers.
- We want our lives to be more fulfilling.
The Enemy plans to bring us to such a level of discontent in our lives that we find ourselves doubting the gifts God has given us. We want more than we have now. And we begin to believe we deserve it.
Sisters, God is all the “more” we need. He has blessed us more than we realize. In Him, there is contentment.
So when you find yourself in that more state of mind, here’s what I want you to do. Start speaking out all the things that God has blessed you with. Here is my short list:
- God has blessed me with a loving husband who is a doting father to our kids.
- God has given me children that enjoy hanging out with us.
- God has provided financially for our family when we needed more than we had.
- God has blessed our health.
- God has given me parents and a sister who love and support my family.
Just typing those words woke my spirit. It made me feel content and full. Any feelings of discontent I had lifted.
I want that for you today.
Will you take a few minutes and speak out the blessings that God has lovingly given to you? And if you dare, would you hit the comment button below and tell this community of believers what He’s done for you?
When you have God, you lack for nothing. There is nothing more you need.
And when you live that truth, the Enemy takes a blow to the head.
Hi-ya! Right on sisters…
©2011 careyscotttalks.com
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God has blessed me when I followed His prompting not to push for my own way but let Him have the control.
You set a good example, mom!
God has given me wonderful grandparents, a father and brothers who have been supportive through thick and thin. God brought a friend into my life who eventually became my husband and a believer. My healthy children have grown up in a church that directs them to God weekly, and even twice weekly for my middle schooler. I have a teaching position that is “just right” after three years of trying out different schools and positions. I’ve been given the opportunity to go back to school myself to become a better equipped educator, one more able to help little readers become older readers – who may one day choose to read the BIBLE because they CAN! I am blessed with a handful of faithful friends who pull me out when I fall in the pit. I hear from God daily, through his word, my time with him, wonderful devotionals and THIS blog. I’d say I have a lot to be praising Him for today and everyday.
Thank you for pushing us this way today Carey! I need to try to get up and read this earlier in the day, it was well worth it!
Denise… you have so much to be thankful for! What a blessing… 🙂
Wow, where to start. Thankful today for a God whose timing is always perfect, who IS always the more I need and desire, for His perfect knowledge and wisdom in bringing my husband and I together. Thankful for a husband who loves me, supports me, helps me, loves our children and enjoys spending time with them. Thankful for health, a wonderful family, God’s grace, friends.
Joy, peace, and contentment this morning. Thanks Carey! 😉
Joy, peace and contentment, Kelly! Love those sweet three words!!!
While enduring an agonizing divorce and a mother’s pain over my prodigal child, God has blessed me with family who lift me up, a sweet relationship with my sons and my bible.
Praise God, Danielle! I love His power to redeem!
Yes! Great post. wonderful encouragement.
Thanks Het! Love you sister! Praying for She Speaks, hoping He provides a way for me to go!
I have just enough, every single day. The stress of my marriage breaking down, learning to be a single mom to two confused children while getting thru another pregnancy, dealing with depression, dealing with cancer, it all sounds impossible. People shake their heads and wonder how we got thru. But everything was one at a time. never more. And I did get thru it. Most of the time on my knees. But my relationship with God stayed firm, and grew stronger. He always has provided me with just enough strength, just enough friends and family to get me thru, just enough sleep, just enough good news for me to get thru another day.
Suzette, what a tremendous show of faith on your part! While so many would have thrown in the towel and given up… you stood through the storm. Oh sweet one, my heart is so tendered towards you because I love to see those women with warrior spirits. You have a strong one! Rest knowing that God has plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future. I pray that over you today. You go girl. Love it!
Well, Carey…girlfriend! Didn’t you hit the nail on the head! March 1 was our 14th wedding anniversary and my gift to Michael was to cancel the divorce! I’m not reading this until today (day after). What a long and rocky road it has been all the years of my marriage! I am thankful to God for sticking with us! He never forsakes! Not even when I filed. He held me up and brought us through things we never would have attended to had the divorce process not been in swing. He forced us to face our fears…some together, some apart, but in the end…TOGETHER. For some, choosing marriage is the answer. For others, divorce is the answer. I pass no judgement. That’s for Him! But in ALL THINGS WE NEED TO SEEK HIM, CHOOSE HIM AND TRY AND BECOME MORE LIKE HIM!
I am doing the happy dance over here today! Praise the Lord! And sister… I am SO PROUD of you for listening for Him and following Him. Wow, that is HUGE! Big hug next time I see your sweet, beautiful face. I love you!
God has prepared me for every tragedy that I encountered. I didn’t know it until later but none the less I survived, was stronger and because of that, I was able to help my family to cope and go on with their lives also. Never doubt that God is there, always, and never gives us more than He has prepared us to handle. Praise God!
Sharon… Great insight! God does prepare us for tragedy. He gives us all we need all the time. Thank you for sharing that!