“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
Life is all about seasons, isn’t it?
Some of those seasons we love – like when our marriage is strong, our kids are thriving, our self-esteem is healthy, and we are meeting regularly with God.
But some seasons rock us to the core – like when our child is struggling, or we discover our husband’s secret, or our finances hit rock bottom, or when God seems far away.
Oh I’ve been through so many different seasons in my lifetime. Some of them flew by while others dragged on for what seemed like forever. Nonetheless, I’ve learned something from each one.
– I’ve seen the blessing that comes from heart-wrenching perseverance.
– I’ve felt the joy that comes from sticking it out when you want to walk away.
– I’ve met so intimately with God who stood next to me in the fire.
– I’ve learned how relationships work, and how to know when they’ve become toxic.
– I’ve grasp the concept of forgiveness.
– I’ve experienced radical redemption.
For the past few years, God and I have had some very honest conversation about … me.
He has spoken His delight over me like a proud Papa. He has uncovered deep-in-my-DNA lies that have crushed my spirit because of the sexual abuse I experienced as a 4-year-old. God has asked me to surrender in many areas of my life, causing me to face fear and pride in the process. We’ve been rewiring my responses when I feel not good enough. God has given me ample opportunities to set more realistic expectations in relationships. He has called me out of my comfort zone in ministry, more than once.
Let’s just say… “It’s been a season.”
But, a new season has blown my way. One of silence.
“… a time to be silent and a time to speak…” (Ecclesiastes 3:7b)
Now I am not a woman anyone would accuse of being too… quiet. I am rarely without words to share. I have the gift of gab, and am quick on my feet.
But I have nothing to say right now, and it’s the oddest thing.
A bloggie idea will pop into my head and leave just as quickly. I’ll sit down to write and find myself checking the latest Target ad.
And oddly, I am liking the silence.
Several of my local friends have questioned my quiet. Many of you have noticed and checked in. Even my man is noticing a lack of verbal banter.
I guess I am kind of chatty, eh?
But you know what? I’m learning to trust God with my seasons, and look for Him in the midst of them.
And honestly, when I speak… when I write… I want it to mean something. I don’t want to just blog for blogging sake. I don’t want to stand in front of women and speak without intention.
There’s enough mindless chatter out there… amen?
– I want my words to be few, if that is God’s will.
– I want my words to glorify Him, rather than point my direction.
– I want my words to matter, because life is short.
Girls, don’t be afraid of the different seasons that blow in and out of your life. It’s the ebb and flow of existence on planet earth, and it’s good. It’s God-approved.
And it promises a bit of wisdom if you let it.
If you are enjoying a season of goodness and bounty, celebrate God’s faithfulness! Remember to stay connected with Jesus, and thank Him. He is the Giver of all things.
If you’re in a hard season right now, know that God is with you. He has allowed this time only for your benefit and His glory. I am sorry you have the privilege of weathering this storm. But thank Him during this time, too. Praise is a powerful weapon against discouragement.
I have no doubt this season of quiet will be ending soon. God has plans for this warrior, and He knows my temper-tantrum tendencies when I am sidelined too long.
I am just so built for the battle.
But until then… I am going to embrace the silence and look for Him in it.
What season are you in right now, and what is God showing you through it?
©2013 Carey Scott
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This is so encouraging, Carey! Thanks for sharing. I’m glad He said you could talk today 🙂
“He has allowed this time only for your benefit and His glory. I am sorry you have the privilege of weathering this storm. ” I may be borrowing this for future times of sharing with those who are in the hard season. It doesn’t seem logical to call the weathering a privilege, but in His kingdom it becomes just that!
May He continue to use you, even in the quiet times.
Ruth… hard as it may be to see it, walking out our faith really is a privilege. And thank you for your encouraging words!
Carey – thank you for helping me to understand the season I am and to celebrate what God is doing. To see Him, look for Him in the midst of the uncomfortableness. TO ASK HIM what this season is, what does it look like, how can I honor you and how do I best participate in this season. It truely is our cry – that no matter the season – we want to be found faithful!! So thank you for these practical applicable steps to press through the hard seasons – to see it as a privledge knowing God will use all things for our good.
Jeanelle… sometimes we just have to ask. Why is that so hard for us to remember? Sure appreciate you!
Seasons! Oh my you hit this one head on didn’t you? I should blog about this, but will start in a comment and pray the rest comes. Cree people believe in six seasons, the four usual ones, and two: freeze up and break up. They fall between fall and winter, and winter and spring respectively. It seems I have been in an ‘in between season’ for the past while. Writing doesn’t come easy. It feels while I am creating so many things and doing them well, they are falling to a blind and deaf audience. I know KNOW I should do it for God alone, and I TRY but it would be nice to have someone notice eh? I am a better mother and wife now than I ever have been, and yet as a daughter and friend it is a season of people walking away. And I am praying over them and letting them go. I took the first steps in committing to my new books and then hit a wall. I am so abundantly blessed and yet I miss certain things, badly. And it makes me cranky. I I shouldn’t be. In between seasons are hard, they are not defined, they own no holidays or visible changes. They are just there. And that is where I am. Love your words girl. Bless you!
Shanyn… I know that desire to be seen. Maybe God is showing you that HE is enough. He and I have spent the last few years working on the idea that my life is for an audience of One. It’s a tough season, indeed. But He’s got you, girl.
Thank you. It is a hard season – a heart-breaking season. A life-adventure season. A growing through thorns season. God has provided all I need, and continues to provide. Glory to Him – because in the end it’s all about Him, right?
Jo… love the visual of a “growing through the thorns” season. That is so good. Blessings, friend. May you find peace through it all!
Again the Lord uses you to speak to others. And again ~ we are on the same page. It seems that in ‘seasons’ everywhere we turn the ‘signs’ all say the same thing. Right now they say, “Be still and know that I am God.” I too am usually one who wants to share everything I’ve been learning. I just get so excited to know Him more and more and I want everyone to know Him as I know Him. But lately I’ve been SO quiet. Some in my circle think ‘something is wrong’. My ladies class at church even stopped in the middle of class to pray for me because they are used to my having something to say but right now I don’t. Agreeing with Jo above, though, she’s right. It’s ALL about Him. And I feel this season of ‘pressing in’ closer and closer to His heart. And it’s wonderful and awe-inspiring and leaving me raw all at the same time. Again and again Thank you for your obedience to share and be so real with us. <3
Lorna… In the NASB translation, that verse says, “Cease striving.” The Message reads, “Step out of the traffic.” Isn’t that awesome? I am actually speaking on that scripture in two weeks at a woman’s retreat, and again in October. Love how God speaks corporately to those listening.
Tough…financially tough-emotionally exhausting…I know God has a plan…I just wish sometimes it was a bit easier.
Carey- What a blessing to read this morning. I am in a season of change, it’s hard on my family & it’s hard on me. So many times I want to write about it but like you find myself distracted or without words when I sit in front of the computer. Maybe this is a time for God to teach me & for me to be near Him in this. Sharing with others what I learn will come later. Blessings & prayers for you as you go through this season of silence.
Mary… blessing to YOU in your season, too!!