I held my daughter in my arms last night as she cried.
These weren’t tears of joy. These were the tears you shed when your heart is hurting.
Sara quit gymnastics this week and it’s been a painful decision. She has been in this sport for 4 years (half her life) and two of them were competitive.
Several factors played into her decline in enjoyment, one of them being the amount of time it took away from our family. It seemed she was gone more than she was home. That stopped working for us.
And while she feels this was the best decision, there are certain things she is mourning. There are people she will miss seeing. There are activities she hates to leave behind.
Leaving something behind isn’t easy… but sometimes it’s necessary. When we do, we go to the next level of intimacy with God.
What is God asking you to leave behind today?
- Maybe you need to leave an offense behind as you walk into freedom.
- Maybe you need to walk away from your pride and ask them for forgiveness.
- Maybe you need to leave behind a desire that God continues to close the door on.
- Maybe you need to off-load a belief system that leads you down a dead-end road.
- Maybe you need to leave behind resentment that your life isn’t what you thought it would be.
Sometimes to step into our new life, our only option is to walk away from something.
Philippians 3:14 talks about this. “Brothers and sisters, I can’t consider myself a winner yet. This is what I do: I don’t look back, I lengthen my stride, and I run straight toward the goal to win the prize that God’s heavenly call offers in Christ Jesus.”
We all have things in our lives that we need to leave behind. They just don’t work for us anymore.
- Maybe we are ashamed of them.
- Maybe they rob us of joy.
- Maybe they are destructive.
Regardless, it’s because Christ gave His life on that cross that we can walk away from those unrighteous things and allow God to reshape our lives to better glorify Him.
We can change.
Sara has some ideas on new things she wants to try and different ways to spend her time. And while her heart is mourning a loss of something very familiar and comfortable, she knows it’s time for something new.
Sisters… it’s time for you, too.
©2011 careyscotttalks.com
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Loved this. Good points to ponder. Some sacrifices you don’t see the positive results from till years down the road. Blessings to you and your family for choosing FAMILY.
Connie, thanks for the encouragement in choosing family. It’s not always the easy choice, but the smartest. Thanks friend.
Wow! what a brave little girl – and what an amazing picture… a momma holding her girl – tenderly – understanding the loss – that weeping is for a time – but greatness is on the horizon… HOPE! awe! May God cover you both as you walk out this newness…
Great point Amanda, greatness is on the horizon! Thanks friend!
Loved this…letting go of things is so hard sometimes even when the reasons are valid. If it’s something we’ve had in our lives for while that makes it all the harder. I know for me there have been things that God has asked me to let go of because I was finding my identity in those things more than I was in Him.
Prayers for your little girl as she begins to explore some new things!
Yes… even when the reasons are valid. Thanks for that!
Praying for Sara’s sweet heart as she grieves. Praying that the goodness that fills her up will far outweigh what she’s left behind. Praying for wisdom for you as you comfort and guide her.
Thanks, Het. Big decisions for a little girl. Appreciate your prayers!
I will not leave Morgen and Pep!
Carey –
…SO TRUE! I am praying that the Lord will honor Sara’s decision with His perfect peace, an expectancy and hope for how He intends to honor her decision and above all…kisses & love from Heaven for her hurting heart right now.
Julia, I know God will honor her decision. I believe that when you choose, family… you win! Thanks for your encouragement!
We are living parallel lives. As you can imagine, I had the same situation at my house last night. I am confident that greatness is indeed on the horizon for both of our little girls. It is the journey there that is the difficult part.
Tonya, yes… the journey is the hardest! But it’s also where we develop our spiritual muscle. I’m with you on this.
Oh my heart is breaking for your girl. I quit when I was young too – I came back 🙂 But so amazing of her!!! Such maturity. Your family is so cool!!!!
J-lo… it’s been a tough few days, but I am so proud of her. She spent the evening sitting in my lap getting loved on. I’ve missed that!
As Carey’s daughter mourns the loss of this chapter of her life, I pray the empty place will be filled to overflowing with joy over new, exciting, family-friendly adventures. Show her how You will use all she learned as a gymnast to equip her to be determined, disciplined, and dependent on Your coaching. Open up doors for this beautiful family that will astound them!
Determined, disciplined and dependent… great words! Thanks, sister!