The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. (Romans 16:20)
One of the strongest weapons in your arsenal is peace.
And the Enemy knows it.
He wants to not only ruin your life, but also to get you in such a tizzy that you’re in a constant state of chaos. In his estimation, if he can keep you freaked out and fearful you won’t have the energy to fight back.
You’ll be your own worst enemy.
It’s a good plan, actually. How many times have you been so overwhelmed or angry or scared about a situation that you just gave up? You waved the white flag of surrender. You found yourself paralyzed, unable to make a move.
When things come at me in warp speed, I sometimes find myself sucked into a whirlpool of self-pity. Rather than rising above my circumstances, I am eye-to-eye with them. And when that happens, I feel anything but peaceful.
Score one for the Enemy.
But when we maintain a sense of peace, trusting God in our circumstances, we punch Satan in the gut.
- When we refuse to freak out when oppression comes our way…
- When we are unshakable in our faith that God will provide…
- When we speak His truths and promises over our situation…
… Satan loses.
Score one for us.
Because of Christ in us, we have authority over the Enemy. Wait… I didn’t hear an “amen” so maybe you didn’t hear me. Let me say it again…
WE have AUTHORITY over the Enemy!
And when we show peace in the face of adversity, we prove it.
How do we do that? How do we show that kind of peace? It’s simple. We refuse to see our struggles with human ears and eyes. Instead, we see them as opportunities for God to rock our world.
We trust that God is who He says He is. And we believe that God will do what His Word says He’ll do… which is to crush the Enemy under our feet.
Translation? We win.
Yes, sisters… peace is a mighty weapon, indeed.
Use it.
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Oh Girl!!! How many times have I wanted to pitch a fit (a big one) or throttle someone- (because they deserved it …. Even if it’s one of my own kids)… AND it’s just an enemy attack? Just? Way to bring this one into perspective… I’ve already shared this wisdom and it’s barely 6 and I’m still not caffeinated… This just might be the very truth I need in several arenas of my life- keeping an awareness of who the devil us and his job description- might just help keep love and peace in proper perspective and dosing around our house… Love you- His peace is different than the worlds peace- he left it for us- may you be covered in it today!
AB, I love when God meets us unexpectedly and imparts a key for our struggles. Well done, Lord! And like you said, His peace IS different from the worlds… and I am so glad!
Amazing response to a tough battle!!!
Thanks, mom! Thanks for your amazing support through it!
Great reminder Carey! I needed this today!!! I really enjoy your words of wisdom. Thank you for blessing us all…
Jennifer… thank YOU sweet friend for taking the time to respond. I’m so glad God spoke to you through these words. Love to you and your family!
I love the sentence “We refuse to see our struggles with human eyes and ears.” That is a mighty call. But isn’t that what faith really is. We must know and believe who our God is. Easy to do when everything goes smoothly and according to our plan. These times our for our BENEFIT!!!! May we not limit the Lord to building us into a pillar of faith.
Jeanelle… great eternal perspective and spot on. These difficult times are for our benefit. I wonder how our actions and thought life would change if we looked at them that way? 🙂 You first…