Sometimes it’s exhausting trying to play by the rules. Because there are lots of them. And they change all the time.
And so often, we accidentally cross lines we don’t want to cross because the boundaries are fuzzy.
Heck, sometimes I struggle to even know what the rules are.
We live in a world where we have to over-think and over-analyze every word we share. Because if we say the wrong thing, in the wrong way, at the wrong time… we offend.
And honestly, most of us aren’t trying to offend.
Most of us don’t want to alienate others.
Our hope… our heart’s desire… is to be agents of peace.
Cuz there’s enough crazy already going around, and we don’t need to add to it. Does that preach?
But the problem is…
… we’re trying to be so politically and socially correct that we scrutinize to a fault. We craft our words to death, hoping to find the right combination.
There’s a constant tension between how we feel and what we share.
So often, we don’t say what we’re really thinking.
We have opinions, but are afraid to reveal them. And even though our perspective may come through hard-earned wisdom, we’re scared to speak out.
We don’t want to be labeled insensitive, or crass, or close-minded.
So we don’t say a thing.
Or maybe, we avoid communicating what’s really on our heart instead, talking only about the trivial things in life so we can stay in the “safe” zone.
And our voice is silenced.
But that’s not right, because God created you with a voice and a message. And when you stay silent, you’re doing exactly what the Enemy wants.
He wants to shut you up. Is it working?
Now I’m not suggesting we come out swinging, sharing our mind without regard for the feelings of others.
… I’m not saying you should share everything that’s on your mind. Sometimes it’s not for public consumption. Amen?
… I’m not saying you should take every opportunity to state your case. That’s just rude.
… I’m not saying your opinion is the end-all opinion, and you should sway others to think like you do. They are entitled to their opinion, too.
But, what you think matters.
How you feel matters.
You matter.
And you have a voice—one that God gave you to use. So use your words wisely.
You have a brain, and it’s able to think for itself. But guard your thoughts so they remain noble.
You have a heart, full of emotion. Ask God to keep it tendered and compassionate.
When God created you, He did so with intention. There are things He put in you to share with the world. And they are meant to be revealed.
So when you keep them hidden—be it your thoughts, ideas, wisdom, advice, perspective—we all lose out.
I know, I know…
… Sharing can be scary. Who needs another ding to their self-esteem?
… Sharing can be vulnerable. Who wants to give the world another opportunity to reject us?
… Sharing can be uncomfortable. Who really likes to step out of their comfort zone?
But you have a voice. You have a mind. And you have a heart.
For our sake, use them.
Thank you! Very timely and true, especially for us introverts who, though naturally sit back observing, have a lot to share!
Oh, I’m an introvert, too. But our voice matters! Thanks for your comment? 🙂