It’s travel-day-Tuesday, which means you’ll need to pack your bags and head over to CWAHM to read today’s devotional. Click here and I’ll drive ya.
Hey, quick question. Don’t you love it when you learn from your children?
I love that they teach me things and I love even more that I’m still willing to be taught. Boy, when we stop desiring to learn from others (regardless of their age) we need to check our pride-meters!
Well, my 8-year-old daughter is one of the strongest most courageous people I know. I deeply admire her because she doesn’t allow discouragement or fear to rule her life. And if at first she doesn’t succeed, she tries and tries again.
Do you?
To be honest, it’s a hit or miss with me. Sometimes I run into battle fearlessly and other times I fight wanting to give up. Why? Because there are times…
- it’s a difficult road I don’t want to walk, or
- it seems impossible to come out the other side victoriously, or
- my pride keeps me trying and failing before I figure it out.
I would imagine it’s an ongoing battle for you, too.
Maybe, like she did for me, my daughter Sara will teach you a thing or two about being strong and fearless.
Joshua 1:9 says “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (emphasis mine)
Come over to CWAHM for a visit and I’ll share what I learned from watching my daughter. She’s a pretty cool chick.
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What a great reminder that we have to get on the beam and be willing to compete! We aren’t just going to be awarded the gold medal. Shoot!! I was waiting for mine in the mail. I will be chewing on this one for awhile. Thanks for the analogy – love your view of the world.
Thanks for your comment Jeanelle!