When the struggle says… “It’s too messy to fix!”
and pain says… “No one will ever understand.”
and your heart says… “Don’t trust anyone.”
and your mind says… “It’s not fair.”
and fear says… “I’ll never get it right.”
and unforgiveness says… “They need to pay.”
and pride says… “How dare them.”
and anger says… “Revenge is sweet.”
and hopelessness says… “Give up.”
and condemnation says… “You did it again.”
and logic says… “It doesn’t make sense.”
and YOU say… “Help me, Lord! I can’t do it anymore!”
Remember that GOD says…
“Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
Such a good reminder- in all things… It really can be that simple. Love this… His burden is light- and we can rest- be still and know Him as God. We don’t have to keep striving or doing or figuring out our world/issues… We can just be in His Presence- and really know Him… Yes! Lord- we come to you for rest… We long to know you more…
We can rest. It’s not about striving to have it all together. He is God.
Thank you Carey for releasing the complexities of our heart, mind and soul into the simple solution – to rest in the arms of The Lord. It is a choice. It is deliberate. It is the greatest gift and often the hardest to receive.
It amazes me how often I take the hard path of self-reliance instead of crying out to God first. I want Him to be my default button. Let it be, Lord!
I NEEDED that. So much. You have no idea. Thank you. And bless you!
Ah, love that, Shanyn!