What beliefs tangled-up your childhood?
~ Maybe you were rejected growing up — like nothing you did was right.
~ Maybe it didn’t seem to matter what you had to say, so you never felt heard.
~ Maybe the common belief in your home was that children should be silent. And you learned your feelings had no value.
~ Maybe your parents didn’t support you at sporting events or school activities, and it left you feeling like you didn’t matter.
~ Maybe you worked hard for the attention and interest of your parents, but never got it. You wondered what was wrong with you.
~ Maybe you were yelled at… a lot. And your parents called you horrible names. And you’ve believed them.
~ Maybe your parents didn’t care what you did or where you were, and you decided you were worthless.
Truth is, no one escapes childhood unscathed. We’re broken people… being raised in a broken world… by broken people.
Not necessarily a recipe for success.
But think about it: Are the tangles from your childhood still knotting you up today?
If so, there’s a good chance you’re creating those same tangles in your kids. We’re products of our childhood — the good, the bad, and the ugly.
But God can loosen all those knots. Every single one of them.
And when He does, it keeps those tangles from tightening around your kids.
“Lord, I want to parent with love and respect. I want my children to know their worth. I want to encourage and affirm rather than send the message that they’re not worth my time. Or that they’re a burden. Or unlovable. Would You please untangle those knots in me, so I don’t recreate them in my kids. Help me be mindful to remind my kids of their immeasurable worth everyday. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
And be encouraged, because it’s never too late to untangle.
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Thank you for this prayer. When my heart and actions aren’t lining up – I need to take it to the Lord and spend sometime looking at my tangles with Him. Will start with this incredible prayer! Thank you.
Amen. And yes. And even when we try so hard to NOT tangle them, our own ‘tangledness’ trips us up together. And that’s where grace is. That’s where, for me, healing comes from. Love you girl!