“Mom, I know. You keep telling me I’m valuable and that God created me on purpose, but I don’t need to hear it all the time.”
And quietly, in my mind, I whispered… “Yes, you do.”
Because at some point in her life, the world is going to send a humdinger of a message to my amazing 12-year-old that says who she is… isn’t good enough.
And her first response – because it’s normal – will be to believe it.
I did.
When the man who sexually abused me at age four said, “You are bad. You are dirty. And you’ll never be worth anything”… I bought it hook, line, and sinker.
It became a deep-seeded belief that affected every part of my life.
That’s how the message of worthlessness works, you know. Once you believe the lie that says you’re nothing special, everything changes. It weaves its way through your life infiltrating your relationships, your thoughts, your perspective, and all of your decisions and choices.
It tangles you into a million knots of insecurity.
And so you try everything you can to silence the “you’re not good enough” messages and feel better about yourself.
… sometimes it’s by filling yourself with food.
… sometimes it’s the high from shopping.
… sometimes it’s escaping into trashy novels.
… sometimes it’s pouring yourself into a new relationship.
… sometimes it’s over-exercising.
… sometimes it’s drinking to numb the pain.
And the relief these outlets can provide works for a while. But until you ask God to loosen the knot of worthlessness that’s tangling your self-worth… you’ll never find lasting relief.
I know.
I tried for years to make that “you’re not good enough” message go away. But despite my best efforts, the tangle only tightened, and I was left feeling completely unlovable.
For the past few months, I’ve been hitting this topic pretty hard on my blog. With my book – Untangled: Let God Loosen the Knots of Insecurity in Your Life – coming out June 2, I’m committed to sharing this message with you openly and honestly.
Because I know the world has beat you up. Honestly, it probably still is.
And I know how deflating and discouraging it is to always feel less than. I know what it’s like to compare yourself to her, and come out the loser. I understand what it’s like to always feel self-conscious when you’re around those certain people. And I know the pain of feeling like you’ll never measure up to what someone wants you to be.
For the same reason I’m committed to reminding my daughter of her worth, I want to be a voice of encouragement for you too.
I want God to meet you in my words.
Sweet girl, I want you to be free.
And the only way… the only way… the only way… is to ask God to do it. Why not ask Him right now?
Lord, I am so tangled up in insecurity and I realize I can’t fix it myself. I need you. Would You please remind me of all the ways I am special? Would You encourage my heart to remember that you delight in me? Would You help me not be so worried about pleasing everyone else, or too worried about what they think of me? I want to be free. Would You please untangle my heart? In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Girl, you’re awesome.
“Carey Scott offers encouragement for your heart and practical tools for your mind that will help you truly get free from insecurity.”
—Holley Gerth, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of You’re Already Amazing
~ Available June 2 ~
Why not Preorder today!
©2015 Carey Scott
Can’t wait for your book! Thank you for sharing all that God has done and that freedom is possible through Christ!
Jeanelle… Thank you!