I found a long hair on my chin today.
I’m not kidding… and I’m not laughing either.
How have I not seen this before? Better yet, how many of you have seen it but kept it to yourself? Come on, we need to have some sort of “rogue hair” pact.
I’ll tell you if you tell me… deal? And don’t laugh, cuz I bet you have them, too.
The problem is that sometimes these hairs are in places where we can’t see them. They blend in and go unnoticed. And while no one really wants to sit in front of those super-magnifying mirrors looking for those little intruders, sometimes it’s essential.
Well this Christmas, I got one of those mirrors.
Now to be fair, you should know that I asked for it. This wasn’t a “suggestion” from my sweet husband to take a closer look. I needed the ability to see things closer because my eyesight just isn’t what it used to be.
But the truth I saw in that mirror was quite different from what I’d been looking at in the more user-friendly bathroom mirror. This magnifying mirror showed the reality of:
- Deep lines and wrinkles
- Discoloration
- Blemishes
- Age spots
- Rogue hairs
What I saw horrified me! Now I understand that I am in my mid-forties and haven’t been the most disciplined with my nightly facial cleansing and moisturizing, but this was just downright scary! What I thought was acceptable turned out to be quite different.
Something about that resonated with my spirit, and I want to suggest that God is that magnifying mirror in our lives.
How? Because when we look at our lives through Him, we see things we didn’t notice before.
- We realize how selfish we are.
- We see how much we seek the world’s approval.
- We understand what control-freaks we are.
- We find that we have a warped sense of love.
- We think it’s all up to us.
But when we submit our lives to Christ, He allows us to see things more clearly… more in focus… better defined. It is a blessing, really, because we know that His goal is to make us more like Him.
Well, I plucked that hair right out of my chin and decided to spent time looking in that mirror more often. I want to know when there are “things” that need to be dealt with before they get out of hand.
I appreciate that God does the same thing for us. The Divine Mirror shows us areas in our lives that need to be groomed.
And with some work, we’ll reflect His image back.
©2011 careyscotttalks.com
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Well, first off…I do have those rogue hairs. In fact, I have several. I call them goat hairs because they are all under my chin and they make me feel like an old goat. Ha!!
I love this post. I think it’s so easy to be anonymous in this world with emails, internet, even online college courses and website shopping. Something I think maybe that keeps us from being ourselves because somehow we can fake a different personality or be something we aren’t.
But with God we have no anomnity. He knows us by name. He knows everything about us. We can’t fake it with Him. Looking at ourselves through His eyes causes us to have to be real about who we are and well, that really stinks sometimes. I usually don’t like what I see. But it forces honesty (and hopefully change) when faced with the truth from the Truth. Yep. I think I’m going to start looking in that Divine Mirror a lot more often.
good morning my hairy friend! cracked me up and was so right on. I love how you can take your rogue hair, blemishes and age spots and see God in the midst. Truly divine. Thanks for showing me how to do that with my own unruly self. I so want to see more of Him in me and less of myself!
I will ALWAYS tell you if I see a long hair on you. 🙂 Great analogy today. I am excited to ponder what things He is wanting to show me. Every time I look in the mirror I am going to ask God for His perspective of me. Am I really willing to look deeper? Oh what a wonderful reminder. Thanks girl!
I have just one word for you, WAXING! and YOU ARE AMAZING!