Proverbs 3:5-6 in the Message says, “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all.”
So often, there’s a disconnect for me.
~ I don’t always trust God from the bottom of my heart, because I don’t like to give up control in my life.
~ I try to figure it out on my own, because then I have a better chance of creating the outcome I want.
~ I struggle to listen to God’s voice in everything I do and everywhere I go, because sometimes the world’s voice is so much louder. It responds quicker. And I’m impatient.
~ It’s hard to believe He will keep me on track, because so many times I’ve been derailed. And while I have to “own it” and take responsibility for going my own way, sometimes I get mad at God for not stopping me.
~ And truth be told, I so often DO assume I know it all. I’m pretty sure I’m brilliant and have life figured out. I’ve earned a billion different degrees from the School of Hard Knocks, and feel confident I have the answers.
So, this verse messes with me.
It messes with the tangles I hold tightly because those knots are “the way it’s always been” … and sometimes we like the familiar. Right?
So often, we hold on to our tangles because they’re all we know. They’re predictable. Comfortable. They’re our normal… and we don’t like change.
It’s easy to speak this verse out… but walking it out is a whole other thing.
But when we don’t trust that God is aware of what life is throwing our way… when we lose patience waiting for Him to speak and instead make split decisions based on emotions and feelings… when we decide God isn’t interested in the details of our life… and when we assume we’re fully capable to go it alone…
… we’ll stay knotted up in the insecurities that choke our self-worth.
And that’s a sure-fire recipe for a tangled life.
But we don’t have to live that way. There’s a recipe for living a confident life instead.
Here it is:
~ Believe God is who He says He is.
~ Believe God will do what He says He will do.
~ Believe you are who God says you are.
And while you may struggle to believe it all of the time, you can be more mindful of the Truth. You can be quicker to re-align your thought-life.
You can ask God to redirect when you’re entertaining those tangling thoughts.
And when you do, your self-confidence will grow as He makes your tangled path straight.
The Kindle version of Untangled releases TODAY! Want it in paperback? It’s available on June 2nd! Pre-order HERE!
Find my Untangled Playlist on Spotify!
Perfect timing! So needed to hear this today. When I get confused, and don’t understand I can become quite panicked. As I continue to wait I can start to try to figure out what God is doing rather than waiting on Him. Oh I thank you for this perfect word from the Lord to my heart today.
Jeanelle… waiting on God is so hard and frustrating at times. But oh the wonderful-ness when we do. Without a doubt, everything about God is perfect.
Always good and helpful material from you. Thank you~
Ah, thanks Kimberly! 🙂