I’ll never be enough.
- I will never be the right size
- I will never wear the right clothes
- My jewelry won’t be the right carat
- I’ll never have the right fitness level
- I will never have enough money
- My family will never have the right image
- I’ll never cook or bake as well as others
- I won’t drive the right car
- My hair style won’t be the right one (what am I saying… my hair rocks!)
- I’ll never have the best ministry
- I will never do enough to help the poor
That is, when I allow the world to evaluate me.
You know what? I’m amazed at how easy it is to do just that. We willingly permit the world to assess us by asking it if we are “enough” all the time. And if/when we do attain their approval, it’s fleeting because the world changes its mind without notice.
It’s a lose-lose situation.
John tells us that we shouldn’t want what the world has to offer because it’s not from God. It’s a dead-end street. And since we are refugees here on earth… since this is not our home… we need to rise above it. Literally.
“For everything that is in the world – the desire for fleshly gratification, the desire for possessions, and worldly arrogance – is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world and its desires are fading away, but the person who does God’s will remains forever.” (1 John 2:16-17)
When we desire the affections and approval of the world, we’ll never be enough. We’ll always fall short. And when we are rejected, we spiral down into condemnation and self-loathing.
We begin to believe the lie that we will never measure up.
But God tells us the exact opposite. He tells us we are accepted, significant and secure no matter…
- What we do
- What we wear
- How we talk
- Where we went to school
- Who we’re friends with
- How much our paycheck is
- The achievements of our kids
He thinks we’re da’ bomb.
There is nothing we can do to make Him love us more. Or less.
We can’t win it. Or lose it.
There is no way to earn it. Or buy it.
We aren’t loved based on our performance. Or our lack thereof.
Having a hard time believing it? I totally get that. It’s a glorious truth that is almost too good to be true… but it is true. And God confirms it in Romans 8:31-39. In a nutshell, the verse tells us that we are free from any condemnation brought against us and nothing has the ability to separate us from the love of God.
Do I hear an AMEN in the house?
Sisters, stop looking to the world for approval. You’ll never get it.
But God tells us we already and always have His.
©2011 careyscotttalks.com
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Amazing how approval is like a hamster wheel it never stops!!! You can keep on that “wheel” your whole life and never get anywhere. Thank you for this reminder. It is always needed!!!
Jeanelle, you’re right. We can stay on that wheel our entire lives… I have for 44 years and am determined to step off! Relentless pursuit of healing, sister!
Oh, I so needed to hear this! Thank you for the honesty!
Patti… So glad it spoke to you!!! See u Tues!
I read “You Are Special” (can’t figure out how to underline on here) to my boys again last night. If you don’t know it, Max Lucado has put a story with the same Bible verses and message and it is POWERFUL. I can’t get through a reading without a lot of deep, slow breaths, and even then I usually cry. Oh how He loves us… “you are special because I made you. And I don’t make mistakes.” Read it to your kids and let the message seep into your being as well. Oh how He loves us.
Denise! I have that book and totally forgot about it until your post. Thank you for reminding me about it… what an amazing message. And sister, you are sooo blessing your children by reading that to them. What a goooooood momma. 🙂
Oh Girl – Don’t I know it?!?! I’ll never be enuf and most likely, I’ll also be too much! Messages that the world says to me… but not our God. His messages are so different and when I purpose to seek His truth and approval – He is faithful to provide – and sometimes… He might even surprise me and use the world – a person might call or a note might come – some comment or word of encouragment or appreciation… Oh how those words can lift – but they never sustain without His truth and without seeking Him alone. The emptiness comes when seeking approval from others – when placing hope in what another might say or do in response to something I’ve done or said… Fullness and true joy comes when God uses whatever method He wants to let me know I am His beloved – His favorite… and what an honor it is when His tangible love note comes from another of His beloved children… Oh that we might all purpose to live cofidently, boldly, and humbly before God and one another… Thank you for this very profound and timely reminder!
Amanda, I love this line in your comment… “Fullness and true joy comes when God uses whatever method He wants to let me know I am His beloved.” Yes, Lord! He can use whatever method He chooses. Thanks for the addition… 🙂