“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)
I was on the back deck talking to God about my weariness in battle. I’m usually up for a good battle as I really enjoy watching the Enemy exposed and humiliated, but this one is brutal.
Why? Because I’m getting hammered on every side. I’m struggling with…
- A child with intense emotional pain,
- A husband requiring surgery,
- A set of difficult logistics to figure out, and
- A lack of finances to make it all come together.
Now I know, that I know, that I know, that God is in this! I never doubt His profound and divine ability to take care of me and my family because I have seen it a million times.
My weariness is not for a lack of support or resources as I’ve learned that every challenge always comes with its own provision.
It is just constant right now and I’m getting hit where it hurts me the most.
Well as I was sitting outside downloading with God, my attention moved to some interesting activity on the pond behind our house.
A visiting pelican swam a little too close to the nests of some resident Redwing Blackbirds and they went after him. These little blackbirds are known to fight back when anything or anyone encroaches on their territory.
And fight him ferociously they did.
The pelican stayed the course for a while, continuing to swim closer and closer to the nests of the blackbirds foraging for something to satisfy him. But the constant assault from these little blackbirds proved too much and he eventually turned tail and left.
You might be thinking one of two things could be the lesson behind this visual:
- God is saying we should be the pelican and leave when the battle seems too much, or
- God is saying we should be the blackbirds and fight like hell until the intruder leaves.
Well, here is what I felt God whisper into my spirit, “Carey, keep fighting. Stay at it. Eventually the Enemy will see your fierceness as you battle for your territory and he will give up. Be relentless.”
Sisters, when the Enemy invades… fight back like hell.
Here’s what your arsenal might look like:
- Pray constantly for wisdom, discernment, strength, motivation, favor and whatever else you need.
- Gather a team of prayer warriors that you know will cover you in battle daily.
- Spend time refreshing yourself in the Word as it’s the sword of the spirit.
- Have praise music in your house 24/7.
- Pray over your house asking God to protect and restore you and your family and then command – in the name of Jesus – that anything evil or demonic leave immediately. (Sometimes I do this daily!)
- Refuse to isolate yourself from your support system and instead surround yourself with Godly friends and wise counsel.
- When the Enemy whispers those lies to you, immediately restate it as a victory in Christ (When the Enemy says: “Your son will never heal from all the damage.” I restate it as: “Thank you God that you are in the business of restoration!”)
But we’re only human, right?
And there are times the heaviness of our situation is too much. There are times where we deeply feel the fear or sadness or anger from battle… and we crumble.
Friends, that’s okay. Been there, done that. But listen to me… All mighty warriors have to step off the front lines and change their armor and wipe the blood off their swords.
But because Christ is in you, once you’ve rested and have regrouped… you gather your arsenal and walk back to the front lines.
Like those Redwing Blackbirds, we refuse to let our enemies enter our territories and steal from our lives. We’re going to be relentless in the fight.
In that God moment of encouragement and understanding from watching the fighting blackbirds, things shifted.
- My tears stopped.
- My back straightened.
- My jawbone clinched.
- My heart healed (a little more).
- My resolve emerged.
Because we have an Enemy that hates us with a burning passion, we need to expect the battle. We cannot afford to be caught off guard. We can’t be knocked out of the game when the Enemy hits us where it hurts.
Nope. Instead, we need to fight the good fight. We need to bring it. We need to stare him down.
So when the Enemy threatens me… I’m gonna threaten him right back.
©2011 careyscotttalks.com
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Well done Carey, relish the battle- you fight from victory, not for it 🙂 Keep in touch
Ian… you inspired this post! Thank you for reaching out and calling me out and setting me back on the path towards victory. You’ll never know what that meant to me!
Fantastic words Carey! Thanks for listening, articulating & sharing. This was just what I needed!
Jess… our hearts connected in NC at David’s funeral. I appreciate you reading my post and commenting… that is so encouraging to me! May God bless you and your family!
Yes! Boy I needed this today! You continue to encourage me daily, Carey! I will be praying for you and your family.
Thanks Rachael… I’m so glad we reconnected and that God is using me to encourage you! Thanks for your prayers… they are greatly appreciated, sister!
The Holy Spirit has used you to encourage me today. I am in that gathering my arsenal place…. last night I had my moment of crumbling, changing my armor and wiping the blood off my sword…
I am preparing to walk back to the front lines. I was tired and beat down by my situation – but I am going to focus on the SITUATOR….
I will certainly re-read this post 10x today and tonight, but NO DOUBT – I will lay my head down tonight ready to battle again.
Thank you for this word, it was a good word.
Melissa… LOVE THIS! Sister, thank you for taking the time to share this with me! I love how the HS works in our lives… how He speaks to us. You stare the Enemy down, Melissa. And when you’re ready to get back on the front lines… I’ll be there holding your spot. We may be bloodied and bruised… but we will win!
Thanks Carey, just what I needed. I’m so exhausted from this fight, sometimes I just want to quit. Or I feel like doing nothing and just sitting here because it’s so overwhelming. I hate sitting in limbo. I like the one piece of advice of praying over your house and telling anything evil to leave. I haven’t done that in a while. Need to.
Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God
Mel, when u pray over your house… You take authority over it. Speak boldly and tell the Enemy to flee in His name. When you do, all demonic activity must obey and leave. Go get ’em girl!
This was so full of truth… it resonated within me and some very tough battles I have been thrown into. I know that you live this out Carey. Your life speaks to pressing through it and receiving all that God has for you in it. I loved your tools. Powerful. Effective. Great reminder for me to rise up! love you…