When the season triggers bad memories…
When finances restrict your heart’s desire…
When the feelings of love are gone…
When you’re missing someone who was dear…
When the treatment is still making you sick…
When you’re in a room full of those you can’t seem to forgive…
When you’d rather be anywhere but here…
When a hard conversation is right around the corner…
When the tension is thick enough to cut with a knife…
When you wish the situation was different…
When the chaos feels overwhelming and unending…
When you feel weak…
When you think your current season of sinning disqualifies you…
When you’re sure you are not good enough…
When every insecurity is tangling your confidence…
… take a deep breath.
… exhale with resolve.
… straighten your back.
… choose courage.
… and never forget that because of Jesus… you can do hard things.
“May we never tire of doing what is good and right before our Lord because in His season we shall bring in a great harvest if we can just persist” (Galatians 6:9 VOICE).
Heather says
Thank you for your post! It was a great encouragement