We notice the tall and thin ones. We notice the ones with great hair. We see the ones that always look adorable, even after a workout. We notice the home-cooked and healthy meals they create. We see their clean homes. We notice the way they bring life to a room.
We see how purposeful they parent, and how they bless their husband. We notice how selfless they are with their time and money. We see how well they treat their friends, always ready to lend a hand. We watch how they carry themselves with confidence.
And we decide they’re better than we are.
But when you focus on how God created them instead of how God created you, you forget…
… the note from your son that said you are the best mom ever.
… the daughter who thinks you give the smartest relationship advice.
… the friends who threw you a surprise birthday party because “you’re worth it.”
… the husband that adores you because you made his favorite meal after a hard day at work.
… the boss who says you’re irreplaceable.
… the overwhelmed teacher so grateful that you volunteered your time in her classroom.
… the aging parents that say, “We couldn’t do it without you.”
You may not have a toned and tight body. Your home may not be the nicest or decorated the best. You might cook processed food more than organic. Your parenting might be a bit messier, and your marriage a bit more challenging. Your hair might be thinning. You might be higher-maintenance, with a flare for the dramatic. And you might struggle with insecurity every day.
But comparing your life or your self to others will never be fair.
Because God made you to be different — on purpose.
And girl, your differences are not defects… but rather something to delight in.
“With unflinching transparency and vulnerability, Carey takes readers on a journey that leads to freedom. One by one, she loosens the ties that bind our value to our appearance, performance, and other people. And then she anchors it firmly to the only unchanging Source of worth we have: Jesus Christ. This is a must-read book for any woman who struggles with feelings of inadequacy–and isn’t that every one of us?”
Melinda Means, speaker; coauthor of Mothering from Scratch: Finding the Best Parenting Style for You and Your Family
WOW!!! What an incredible statement “And we decided they are better than we are!” This really touched a deep place in my heart today. I can hear Jesus through your words telling me “I love how I created you.” How often I put down the beauty of His creative hand in me – His design of my uniqueness – because I decided a different quality or characteristic is more important. Thank you Carey for this powerful truth to my heart today. He delights in me. I am going to delight in me too!!!